11.3.2025 - New in the Logbook module – the ability to display the journeys of all vehicles

A new section "Logbooks of all" has been added to the Logbook module, where it is possible to view the registered journeys of all vehicles for a selected month and then print/export them to Excel.

4.3.2025 - New feature in the Data Messages module – the ability to set up an automatic reply to a received message

In the settings of the Data messages module in the Rules section, there is a new option to set up an automatic reply to a received data message (it is necessary to upload a file with the text of the automatic reply – see screenshot).
In case you need to enter multiple addresses under one rule, they should be separated by a semicolon (without spaces) in the "value" field.

20.2.2025 - New features in the Holidays module – the possibility of 2 rounds of approval and submission of an application on behalf of another user

In the settings of the Holidays module, in the General Settings section, it is now possible to enter a "Final approver" – i.e. a user who approves holidays in the 2nd round. Until now, it was possible to approve leave only once by a supervisor, usually retrieved from the hierarchy of employees in the module settings, now leave can be approved by an even higher supervisor – e.g. a director (the approver is the same for all users in the 2nd round).
In addition, in the settings of the Vacation module, in the User Rights section, the option "Request for vacation" has been added to the "Request for vacation" option, thanks to which the user can submit a vacation request for the user whose name is listed here.

12.2.2025 - New in the Wiki module - the ability to change the folder level

In the settings of the Wiki module, the option to change the classification level of a folder (and related child folders) has been added.
Using the pencil icon, it is possible to overwrite the current level of folder inclusion to a new one and thus better arrange the classification of individual folders in the Wiki module as needed.

5.2.2025 - New feature in the Issued Invoices module – option to set up an e-mail address for sending a copy of an issued invoice

In the settings of the Issued invoices module, or in the settings of a specific center in this module, it is now possible to enter an e-mail address for sending a copy of the issued invoice.
Each issued or sent invoice will then be sent in copy to the specified e-mail address (multiple e-mail addresses can be entered), which allows you to inform other relevant persons about the sending of the invoice.

30.1.2025 - New features in the HelpDesk module – possibility to link tickets from different projects and create a task to a ticket

In the HelpDesk module, it is now possible to link tickets not only within a specific project, but also between different projects created in the HelpDesk module.
It is also now possible to create tasks (registered in the Tasks module) for created tickets – in the module settings, it is necessary to check the check-box "Connection with the Tasks module", which then allows you to create tasks for the ticket directly in the module.

22.1.2025 - New in the Attendance module – displaying the "Work trips" column in the attendance export for the Labour Inspectorate

In the settings of the attendance module, a new option "Add columns business trip, domestic and foreign" has been added in the section "Edit attendance export for IP".
By checking this check-box, a new column "Business trips" will appear in the "Employee Worksheet – for Labour Inspectorate" export, which is divided into "Domestic" and "Foreign" sections. These columns record the hours that the employee has in attendance reported as "Business trip – domestic" or "Business trip – foreign".
Reported work trips are displayed only if the "Edit attendance export for IP" function is not active in the Attendance module settings.

15.1.2025 - New feature in the Data Messages module – the ability to set rules for sending data messages

A new option has been added to the settings of the Data messages module, Rules section, to set rules for sending data messages (until now, it was possible to create rules only for receiving messages).
Thanks to this option, it is possible to create a rule so that, for example, when a data message is sent to a selected recipient (according to the mailbox ID), a copy of the message is sent to the specified e-mail or directly to the selected data box.

9.1.2025 - New in the GPS Location module – the possibility of identifying drivers using chips used for the attendance terminal

If it is necessary to identify employees or drivers when using company cars, it is now possible to perform this identification using chips that are supplied to our attendance terminal.
To use this option, you need to purchase a chip reader for the GPS unit. Subsequently, it is possible to use the same chip to automatically record attendance at the attendance terminal and identify the driver in the vehicle.

7.1.2025 - Work calendar 2025

See https://www.eintranet.net/data/Calendar-2025-CZ-A5.pdf for the 2025 work calendar in PDF.

23.12.2024 - PF 2025

We thank all users of the eIntranet.net app for their trust and use of our app in 2024. We wish you a peaceful Christmas and a lot of health and success in the new year not only in your work but also in your personal life.
We look forward to working with you in 2025,
Your team eIntranet.net

19.12.2024 - New feature in the Bank Statements module – the ability to generate payment receipts

In the Bank Statements module, it is now possible to generate confirmation of received/issued payments.
To issue a confirmation with a signature/stamp, it is necessary to upload a file with a signature/stamp in the Bank statements module settings for a specific connected account.

10.12.2024 - New in the Warehouse Management module – the possibility of detailed search

In the Warehouse Management module, a new section has been added to Search for Movements, which allows detailed searching.
You can search by warehouse name, date of movement, supplier or customer name (from CRM) and code and item name.
The overview of the searched items can then be exported to Excel.

4.12.2024 - New in the Projects module – the ability to copy projects

In this module, the option to copy created projects has been added. Thanks to this feature, it is possible to create new projects with a similar focus and course more quickly.
When copying, you need to specify the beginning of the first part of the project, according to which the other parts will be linked. However, it is always necessary to check the copied data, or adjust it according to reality.

29.11.2024 - Attendance module - change in doctor's reporting in export for the Labour Inspectorate

In the attendance module, "Doctor" is now reported in the "Employee Worksheet – for the Labour Inspectorate" export in the column where Work or Compensatory Time Off and Wage Compensation are listed (until now, the doctor was reported in the § column).
This change has been made so that only attendance events related to the payment of nursing allowance are reported in column §.

28.11.2024 - New in the Offers module - selection of stock card and then group of cards in the offer

In the settings of the Offers module (in individual offer groups), a new option has been added: "When selecting an item from the warehouse, first select the stock card type and then the card group".
After checking this option in the module settings, when creating an offer directly in the Offers module, only the corresponding groups of cards will be displayed when selecting a stock card.

18.11.2024 - New feature in the Travel příkazy_v2 module – the "Refund/Deduct" column in the list of travel orders

In the Travel příkazy_v2 module, the column "Reimburse (+)/Deduct (-)" has been added to the table with an overview of all travel orders. This column shows the final amount to be paid to the employee or required from the employee.
This amount may be different from the amount stated in the "Total amount" column – it shows the amount without taking into account what was paid by the company card, paid in advance or adjusted by the employee who examined and adjusted the billing (accountant).

11.11.2024 - New in the Warehouse Management module – the possibility of using an EAN code reader

In the warehouse management module, it is now possible to use an EAN code reader to speed up and streamline the process of receiving items into the warehouse/issuing from the warehouse. Detailed information (necessary parameters of the reader, procedure for its use) can be found here: https://www.eintranet.net/data/Skladove-Hospodarstvi-EAN-ctecka.pdf

7.11.2024 - Subscription price list for 2025 – maintaining current prices

We would like to inform you that we are not planning any price increase for the use of our application for the next year.
Despite inflation, which remains above 3%, we have decided to maintain the current prices.
We appreciate your patronage and are committed to continuing to provide our services at current prices without putting any more strain on your budget.

4.11.2024 - New features in Offers and Issued invoices – option to copy a resort in module settings

In the settings of the Offers and Issued Invoices module, it is now possible to create a new resort using the function of copying an existing center.
After using this feature, a new resort is created, but it is always necessary to check and adjust the settings of the newly created resort as needed.

30.10.2024 - New in the Attendance module – chip/fingerprint – new color variants of the attendance reader

In the Attendance – chip/fingerprint module, it has so far been possible to use the attendance reader only in black. In addition to the standard black colour, it is now also possible to order the attendance reader in grey, white, orange or blue. If you are interested in an attendance reader, or in a specific color design, do not hesitate to contact us at info@eintranet.net.

22.10.2024 - New in the Attendance module – an easier way to copy attendance

In the Attendance module, when using the function of copying attendance in the calendar with attendance, it is now easier to copy the entered attendance to other days.
This function is facilitated by a calendar in which the user simply clicks on the days to which attendance should be copied.

17.10.2024 - New eSignatures module – electronic sending and signing of documents

In Settings, Enabled modules tab, users with administrator rights can activate the new eSignatures module, which allows electronic signature of documents.
After setting the access rights and creating individual types of documents for signature, it is possible to insert and send documents for electronic signature directly in the module.
To sign a document:
  • The signatory (does not have to be an application user) is sent a link to the document signature by e-mail together with the document and a verification code is sent via SMS
  • The signatory writes their name and surname on the link sent, signs electronically and enters the verification code
  • the document detail records the name and surname of the signatory, the date and time of the signature, the electronic signature and the IP address of the device from which the signature was made
  • If the document is in PDF format, the label with the above data is inserted directly at the end of the signed document
Electronic signature streamlines communication with customers, suppliers and employees and contributes to the simplification of corporate administration.

14.10.2024 - New features in the Data Messages module – delayed sending of a message, text reply to a message

In the Data Messages module, it is now possible to allow sending a message within a set deadline and to write a simple reply to the message in the text field.
Both functions are activated in the module settings, in the General Settings section, by checking the check-box for the option "Send within deadline" - for the possibility to enter a specific date (date and time) of sending the message, or "Attachment from the text field" - for the option to write a simple reply in the text field (the text is then converted to attachment Zprava.pdf in the sent message).

7.10.2024 - New in the Insolvency module – sending notifications of changes in insolvency proceedings

In the Insolvency module, it is now possible to have notifications sent to you about ongoing changes in insolvency proceedings (until now, it was only possible to obtain information about the commencement of insolvency proceedings from the module).
You can activate this function in the module settings by checking the "Send notifications about changes in proceedings" add-on right (this is a right that is assigned in addition to the standard type of right).

1.10.2024 - New in the vacation module – notification of an employee's upcoming vacation

In the vacation module settings, it is now possible to activate sending notifications to the supervisor about an employee's upcoming vacation. In the settings, you need to specify how many days in advance this notification should be sent (0 for off). The notification is then sent to the supervisor who approved the leave, the appropriate number of days in advance.

23.9.2024 - New features in the Paper Mail module – the possibility to print a registration number on an envelope, generate a registration number and type of consignment on a posting sheet

In the Paper Mail module, in the Sent Mail section, it is now possible to check the option "Print including the last registration number to the given address" when preparing envelope labels. This will show not only the name and address of the entity to which the shipment is being sent, but also the registration number under which the shipment is registered in the eIntranet.
In addition, when generating a posting sheet for the Czech Post, it is now possible to select in the "To note" field whether the registration number and/or type of consignment will be specified in this field on the posting sheet.

11.9.2024 - New feature in the Data Messages module – notification of unresolved data messages

In the settings of the Data messages module, the option "Notification of unresolved message by day" has been added. If the number of days is set for this field (0 is off) and the data message is in the "Delivered" or "Resolved" status for this number of days, users with the "Read all" right will receive an e-mail notifying them of this unresolved data message.

6.9.2024 - Retrospective approval of leave – instructions for correct registration

For a smooth entry of approved leave into the attendance module, it is necessary to submit and approve leave requests in advance or no later than on the given day.
If there is no other option than to submit a retrospective request for leave (or a similar type that can be requested in the leave module – doctor, sickday, home office, etc.) and the user has already logged the hours worked in attendance for the day/days, it is always necessary to delete the completed event in attendance for the day and then apply for leave.
If the user does not delete the hours worked in advance, the leave will be entered after the record filled in the attendance (e.g. after up to 8 hours of worked time). This should be observed especially when using the "Pre-filled working hours" function, where the working hours are automatically recorded to the user every day.

3.9.2024 - New in eIntranet.net - the ability to host emails on your own domain

eIntranet.net now offers the ability to host email on your own domain with the new Business Domain Mail service. This service is designed to provide a reliable and secure solution for corporate email communication.

Business Domain Mail includes the following features:
  • Disk space - basic capacity 10 GB with the possibility of expansion by another x10 GB
  • Custom email address - you can create emails on your own domain
  • Webmail client - access to e-mails from anywhere via a web interface
  • Protocols - POP3(S), IMAP(S), SMTP(S), Active Sync.
  • Autoconfiguration - autodiscover and autoconfig for automatic configuration of e-mail clients
  • Flexible space - space is purchased for the entire domain and is automatically distributed where it is needed
The service places a strong emphasis on security and therefore includes:
  • Daily Backups - Regular daily backups of all email data
  • Antivirus - antivirus check of incoming emails
  • GEO IP protection - protection against unauthorized access based on geographic location
  • Antispam, SPF (sender domain check), blacklist and whitelist, DKIM (authorization of sent e-mails)
Management and pricing
You can easily manage all services from one place through a clear interface. The price of the service is CZK 29 per mailbox/month with the possibility of expanding by another 10 GB for CZK 20/month.

Service activation
Help on activating Business Domain Mail and the option to generate a subscription prompt can be found in Settings -> Mail hosting.

Business Domain Mail is the ideal solution for businesses that want to have full control over their email communications while ensuring a high level of security and flexibility.

29.8.2024 - New features in the Paper Mail module – the possibility to print a registration number on an envelope, generate a registration number and type of consignment on a posting sheet

In the Paper Mail module, in the Sent Mail section, it is now possible to check the option "Print including the last registration number to the given address" when preparing envelope labels. This will show not only the name and address of the entity to which the shipment is being sent, but also the registration number under which the shipment is registered in the eIntranet.
In addition, when generating a posting sheet for the Czech Post, it is now possible to select in the "To note" field whether the registration number and/or type of consignment will be specified in this field on the posting sheet.

20.8.2024 - New in the Travel příkazy_v2 module – generating a QR code for reimbursement of travel expenses to employees

In the Travel příkazy_v2 module, a new option has been added for faster reimbursement of approved reimbursements for business trips to employees, thanks to the generation of a QR code for payment of the corresponding amount to the employee's account.
First, it is necessary to have the employee's account number filled in in the Account number field in the Employees/Users module. Subsequently, after the billing has been approved, or after the travel order has been signed by the employee who has reviewed and modified the bill, a QR code will be displayed for payment of the corresponding amount to the employee's account.

9.8.2024 - New feature in the vehicle reservation module – the right to edit any already created reservation

A new add-on right has been added to the settings of the vehicle reservation module (it can be added to any basic right) "Edit any reservations already created".
Thanks to this right, the user can edit any registered reservation – e.g. if the length of the reservation of the vehicle is extended/shortened.

1.8.2024 - New feature in the attendance module – blocking manual vacation entry in attendance

In the settings of the attendance module in the General Settings section, it is now possible to use the function "Holidays only from the vacation after approval module".
By activating this function, users are allowed to record vacation only through an approved application in the vacation module, manual vacation entry into attendance is not possible (if the vacation module is used, the only correct way to enter vacation in attendance is always through the approved application in the vacation module).

26.7.2024 - New feature in the form module - the ability to display completed forms according to selected user positions

In the settings of the form module, or in the settings for a specific type of form, a new option "Positions that the user has the right to read" has been added. Thanks to this option, the user can view the completed forms of selected employees according to their job positions (e.g. forms filled in by users for the position of assistant, lecturer, fitter, technician).
Employees or job positions whose forms can be seen by the user can be selected manually or you can use the "Subordinate Employee Positions from Hierarchy" option, which will load the subordinate positions automatically.

19.7.2024 - New in the attendance module – the ability to add an export of attendance for IP with real working hours

In the attendance module settings, section "General settings", section "Edit attendance export for IP", it is now possible to check the option "If there is no pre-filled time, then add real time". By default, the export for the Labour Inspectorate loads attendance from the values set in "Pre-filled working hours" for individual users. Thanks to this function, the real working hours recorded in the user's attendance are added to the IP export if the user does not have pre-filled working hours set.

9.7.2024 - New in the eIntranet.net application – browser notification of new records in the application

In the eIntranet.net application, it is now possible to activate the "Browser notification – notifications" function (at the top right of the bar under the user's name). A table will then appear in which the user will enable (or disable) the sending of notifications by the browser.
If this option is activated, the user is sent information about a change in the number of entries or information about new entries in individual modules of the eIntranet.net application – e.g. discussions, data messages, etc. The function is relevant for users who use Windows 10 and later.

25.6.2024 - New in the attendance module – the ability to manually enter the attendance plan

In the attendance module, it is now possible to create an attendance plan manually (until now, the attendance plan could only be completed from other SW using RestApi).
First, you need to check the check-box next to "Attendance Plan" in the attendance module settings. Subsequently, a new section "Attendance Plan" will appear in the attendance module, in which it is possible to enter the attendance of individual users for the relevant month.
According to the set plan, users can then take vacation or other types of holiday events (sick day, home office, etc.).

20.6.2024 - New in the attendance module – the ability to read the attendance of selected users

In the settings of the attendance module, in the User Rights section, a new option "Read user attendance" has been added, which allows you to view the attendance of selected users.
Employees whose attendance can be seen by the user can be selected manually or use the "Subordinates from Employee Hierarchy" option, thanks to which the user's subordinates are loaded automatically.

13.6.2024 - New in the employee training module – entering the type (group) of training

In the Training Management section, when creating/editing training, it is now possible to enter the type (group) of training - e.g. according to the topic to which the training belongs - OHS, ISO, for new employees, etc.
Subsequently, in the Training Overview section, it is possible to filter training by specified types/groups of trainings, which makes it easier to search for trainings and makes the Training Overview section clearer.

4.6.2024 - Newly developed module in the eIntranet.net application – Video conference

In Settings -> Enabled modules, it is now possible to activate the Video conferencing module. After setting the access rights in the settings of this module, it is possible to create and implement video calls/online meetings/conferences both with employees who are users of the eIntranet application and with external users – current and potential customers, suppliers and other business partners (via the generated link).
For example, as part of ongoing video calls, it is possible to:
  • Share Screen
  • Chat (including file sharing)
  • write/draw on the whiteboard

28.5.2024 - New in the vacation module – monitoring of the use to the minus for all vacation types

In the settings of the vacation module in the General Settings section, a check-box has been added with the option to set the use to negative for all vacation types - i.e. if the user uses up the time allocation specified in the settings for a given event, he can still create a request and submit it to his superior for approval (until now, the application only monitored vacations, not other events such as home office, sick day, etc.).
ATTENTION - it is now necessary to check the minus limit for all events for which the time allowance is not pre-filled in the settings (e.g. doctor) – otherwise, when submitting a request for a given type of event, users will see a message that they do not have enough hours/days of vacation left to submit the application.

24.5.2024 - New for users with global/admin rights of the selected module

For users with administrator rights, a new function has been added for the ability to easily click through to the module settings (and return to a specific module).
If the user has been assigned administrator rights in a given module, a "Settings" button is displayed next to the module name, through which he gets to the settings of the module (and does not have to scroll in the left menu). The same procedure applies in the opposite case – if the user is in the settings of the selected module, using the "Module" button will take him back to the module itself.

22.5.2024 - New in the Commercial Register Monitoring Module – New Change Monitoring Algorithm

As of today, a new change monitoring algorithm has been deployed in the Commercial Register monitoring module. Thanks to it, the monitoring of possible changes is significantly streamlined, or the provision of more accurate and up-to-date information to the users of this module.
The new algorithm can now analyze and process information in real time, which guarantees that the information is up-to-date, and evaluate relevant changes with a higher degree of accuracy.

21.5.2024 - New in the Paper Mail module – the ability to pass an inbox record to multiple assignees

In the Paper Mail module in the Inbox section, it is now possible to forward received mail to multiple assignees for resolution (until now, it was possible to delegate a written record to only one assignee).

14.5.2024 - New features in the stock management module - dispatch to user, receipt with invoice number

The following options have been newly added to the Inventory Management module - in the case of a dispatch note, it is now possible to create a dispatch note for a specific eIntranet user (new field Customer - eIntranet user), for a Purchase receipt it is then possible to enter the invoice number.
The print form of the warehouse receipt has been revised - it now displays the date of the warehouse receipt or the order number (if added).

3.5.2024 - Preset working hours - change the time of automatic attendance filling

For technical reasons, the time of automatic entry of users' attendance has been adjusted in the Attendance module from today when using the "Preset working hours" option in the Attendance module settings. Now the preset working time is filled in at 23.20 pm (i.e. at the end of the day, it was originally at the beginning of the day - 00.20 am).
This change was implemented due to possible clashes with other attendance events (e.g. on the same day approved leave requests, doctor, homeoffice, sick day) - the application first checks the already entered events and then adds the relevant attendance time according to the set rules.

30.4.2024 - New in the Orders Issued module - print report for non-VAT payers

In the issued orders module, it is now possible to generate an issued order in a report for printing/sending by e-mail for non-VAT payers.
On this print report only prices including VAT are shown (columns where VAT and prices without VAT are shown are not displayed).

23.4.2024 - New in Discussion module - possibility to create discussion groups

In the Discussion module, it is now possible to create discussion groups (using the "Discussion Group" button) and add related sub-discussions to them. First, you need to create a main discussion (without a parent folder) and then you can add individual sub-discussions to it - see our example below - the "Engineers" discussion group can have several discussions under it related to e.g. individual projects that it deals with.
This feature allows the created discussions to be sorted into logical groups and makes the discussion module more manageable.

16.4.2024 - New when entering new users - the ability to copy the settings of an already entered user

When entering a new user (in Settings -> Users) it is possible to use a new function - copying the settings of an already entered user.
If you need to enter a new user, e.g. for a job position that is already held by another user in the application, just click on the copy icon next to the already entered user - this will create a new user for which the general information (e.g. position, centre, organisational unit, supervisor) and access rights to individual modules will be copied. Then just add the unique information (first name, last name, email, etc.) and save.
This feature makes it possible to speed up the entry of a new user into the application.

9.4.2024 - New features in the logbook module - preset time, date tracking, km editing

In the settings of the logbook module, or in the settings for individual vehicles, it is now possible for each vehicle to:
  • enter a preset from-to time, which will be automatically entered directly in the logbook of the vehicle (this time can be edited according to the reality)
  • monitor the completion of the logbook - if the logbook for the previous month is not completed by a certain date in the current month, a warning is sent to the driver of the vehicle
  • monitor the service schedule according to the entered schedule for the vehicle in the vehicle registration module - if the mileage in the logbook is exceeded, a warning is displayed in the logbook
It is also now possible to edit the kilometres in the logbook (previously the only option was to delete the record) with subsequent automatic recalculation of the kilometres entered.

3.4.2024 - New in Invoices Received - notification of unapproved invoice

In the settings of the Invoices Received module, it is now possible to set a time limit (number of days) for approvers to be notified of an unapproved invoice. If there is an invoice to approve in the "To be approved" section of the Invoices Received module and the approvers do not approve/reject the invoice within the set number of days, an informative email is sent to all of them reminding them of the need to resolve - approve/reject - the invoice (including a link to it).

26.3.2024 - New in the data message module - the ability to edit a data message ready for sending

In the data message module, it is now possible to edit messages ready for sending (including inserting attachments). A ready-to-send message can be edited by the person who created the message or by the person who has the right to send messages. Information about any editing of messages is recorded in a note.

19.3.2024 - New features in the Vehicle registration module - Vehicle cost section and other new features

In the settings of the vehicle registration module, it is now possible to specify the number of days in advance to watch for the expiry of a certain deadline or check whether rows where no vehicle is currently to be dealt with should also be displayed in the alert table.
In the module itself, or for individual vehicles, a Vehicle Costs section has been added, in which it is possible to record the expenses associated with the operation of a given vehicle, displaying the total expenses for each year.
A practical feature is the possibility to use the new arrows in the vehicle detail to scroll to the next/previous vehicle.

13.3.2024 - Cash desk module - possibility to insert logo and centre on cash documents

In the settings of the cash register module, it is now possible to insert the logo of the company issuing the document, which will be displayed on cash register documents, and also to check the option of entering the centre on the document. The centres for selection are loaded from the user centres, others can be entered by typing and pressing Enter.

5.3.2024 - Vehicle booking module - new options in the settings and display of the booking calendar

In the settings of the vehicle reservation module, it is now possible to set the colour marking of individual vehicles (text and background colour), and in the module itself the design of the inserted records has been modified.
The booking calendar in the Monthly overview section can then be inserted with a simple mouse click or, in the weekly view of the booking calendar, it is possible to drag the mouse in the selected time period to easily insert a booking on the selected day.

27.2.2024 - New in the asset register module - assignment of assets to the handover report according to the user's name

In the asset register module, or in the section Handover logs, it is now easier to add a specific user's assets to the established handover log. When searching for assets to add, just enter the user's name in the search field. All assets assigned to the user will then be displayed, making it easy to select the item to be added to the log.

14.2.2024 - New in Travel Orders v2 - the ability to send expenses to a supervisor for approval and reimbursement

In the Travel Orders v2 settings, a new check-box "Send to supervisor for approval and reimbursement" has been added in the General settings -> "Basic data - used fields" section. Until now, it was only possible to send the travel bill to the accountant, now it is possible to send it to the supervisor for approval first (the user selects from a menu of possible approvers) and then after approval by the supervisor the user with the "accountant" right is informed about the approval of the travel order.

7.2.2024 - Work calendar 2024

Please visit https://www.eintranet.net/data/Calendar-2024-CZ.pdf for a PDF of the 2024 work calendar.

31.1.2024 - New in HelpDesk module - possibility to connect with Orders issued module

In the HelpDesk module settings, or in the settings of a specific project, it is now possible to check the check-box "Connection with the Orders issued module". Subsequently, the "Order issued" field appears in the ticket detail and it is possible to select a specific issued order from the list that can be assigned to the ticket. A link to the specific ticket will then appear in the HelpDesk module for the relevant issued order.

25.1.2024 - Possibility to use the same smart card for recording attendance and driver identification in the vehicle

In our application, it is now possible to use the same smartcard for automatic recording of attendance on the attendance terminal (within the attendance module) and for identification of the driver in the vehicle when using GPS units (within the GPS location module) the same smartcard - previously it was necessary to have a separate smartcard for each function, i.e. 2 smartcards. If you are interested in this new option, please contact us at info@eintranet.net.

23.1.2024 - New features in the warehouse management module - conversion to eIntranet warehouse, manual booking

In the warehouse management module, it is now possible to select the option "Transfer to another warehouse - in eIntranet" when creating a dispatch or transferring items (if this option is selected, a receipt is automatically created in addition to the dispatch at the relevant warehouse). It is also possible to create manual bookings of warehouse items in the stock management module in the section Bookings - via the "Manual booking" button the desired booking is created, which can then be transferred to a receipt using the "Create receipt from marked bookings" button.

9.1.2024 - New in Orders Issued module - new order status

In the issued orders module, a new possible order status - "Delivered" has been added to the existing possible states (Active, Paid, Rejected). In case you have checked the option to record the status of orders in the settings of the issued orders module, you will now see this option.

4.1.2024 - Invoices issued module - setting new VAT rates

From 2024 onwards, three VAT rates - 21%, 12% and 0% (previously 21%, 15%, 10% and 0%) - will apply. If a different rate type is now the default for your company, you will need to set this in the individual centre settings in the Invoices Issued module.

3.1.2024 - Connecting eIntranet.net to the new version of the ARES information system

Due to the termination of the original information system ARES, which allows searching data on economic entities registered in the Czech Republic, or transition to a new form of this system, it was necessary to redesign the connection to this new system from our application. In this context, more informational emails are being sent today to users who have set up monitoring of changes in the Commercial Register. The emails sent out are a one-off response to the connection to the new ARES system, thank you for your understanding.

22.12.2023 - PF 2024

We thank all users for their cooperation and trust in our application so far this calendar year. The eIntranet.net team would like to wish you a very happy Christmas and a very healthy, happy and successful New Year.

12.12.2023 - Option to disable automatic sending of holiday greetings

In case you prefer to send personal holiday greetings to your employees and you do not want to send greetings from eIntranet.net, it is possible to automatically send holiday greetings to users by e-mail - you need to uncheck the appropriate check-box in Settings -> Basic settings -> Home screen - overview.

27.11.2023 - New in the calendar module - possibility to select time period for data export to Excel

In the calendar module, or for individual calendars in the calendar module, it is now possible to select a time period and export the data for that period to Excel. To be able to do this export, the calendar must be set to List.

21.11.2023 - New in the asset register module - the concept of inventory list

In the asset register module the term "inventory list" has been changed to "inventory list". This change was made in order to harmonize the terminology in the area of inventory of assets in accordance with Act No. 563/1991 Coll. on Accounting.

14.11.2023 - New features in the stock management module - printing and sending stock dispatch notes, bulk import of items

In the warehouse management module, the option to print and send warehouse receipts by e-mail has been added. Furthermore, the ability to import stock items in bulk (in Excel) has been added - up to 1000 items can be imported at a time. Please see the "Import items from Excel" button for exact instructions on the format of the imported file.

7.11.2023 - New in the calendar module - possibility to enter reservations (in the reservation module) from the calendar

In the calendar module, it is now possible when entering an event in the selected calendar, to make a reservation in the relevant reservation calendar in the reservation module (e.g. to reserve the necessary room/technique/vehicle). In the settings of the calendar module, or in the settings of the specific calendar, it is first necessary to tick "Allow bookings from calendar". Subsequently, when entering an event in the selected calendar, it is also possible to make a reservation in the selected booking calendar. If you delete an entry in the calendar or booking module, the entry in the other module (i.e. in the booking or calendar module) will also be deleted automatically.

1.11.2023 - New in eIntranet.net - the possibility of renaming files

For files stored in any module within our application, a user who has been granted at least edit and delete permissions in that module can rename the stored files (in any format supported by our application). In case you need to change the name of a file (e.g. to better match its content), right-click on the file and then click Rename. A box will then appear to enter the new file name.

26.10.2023 - Whistleblowing and its technical solution within our application

From 1.8. 2023 (companies with over 250 employees), or 15.12. 2023 (companies with more than 50 employees) companies are obliged to set up an internal system for reporting harmful (illegal) behavior - whistleblowing. Within the modules of the eIntranet.net application, it is possible to use the HelpDesk module for this purpose, thanks to which it is possible to create a reliable and secure system for the clear and efficient resolution of individual notifications. More information on how the HelpDesk module or set up a specific project in this module can be found here: https://www.eintranet.net/data/Whistleblowing .pdf.

16.10.2023 - New in the reservation module - the ability to create parent folders

In the settings of the reservation module, or in the settings of individual items for the reservation it is now possible to enter the field "Superior name". If you have a large number of objects to reserve in your reservations, it is possible to sort them into folders by topic - e.g. Rooms, Vehicles, Technology - and thus make the reservation module clearer for users.

10.10.2023 - New in the Bank Statements module - new options for pairing settings

If you have connected an account for automatic matching of payments (so far it is possible for accounts with Raiffeisenbank and Fio banka, it is possible to program the connection for accounts with other banks on request), it is now possible to select in the settings of the Bank Statements module, or in the editing of the connection of a specific account, whether payments should be automatically matched with invoices received, with invoices issued or whether only exactly the same amounts should be matched, even if the same variable symbol.

3.10.2023 - New in Invoices Received module - possibility to add a file in "Received" section

In the Invoices Received module in the "Received" section, the option to add a file has been added. In case a document is missing from an invoice received - e.g. the supplier forgot to attach the invoice or it is available for download in the supplier's database and only the document header was created in the eIntranet - it is still possible to add it in the Received section (only in this section). Only for documents in pdf format the preview is displayed directly, but any document format can be added (other document types are automatically saved in attachments).

27.9.2023 - New in Invoices Received module - displaying the VAT invoice in the initial overview

In the settings of the Invoices Received module, it is now possible to activate the option "Evidence of TIN". Consequently, in the initial overview of the received invoices, the column DUZP will be displayed directly in the Invoices Received module. This column is then displayed in all sections of the module (Received, To be approved, To be paid, etc.), making it easier to verify this information more quickly if needed.

5.9.2023 - New Vacancies module and vacancies portal www.eijobs.net

Within the application it is possible to use new module Vacancies, which is connected to the vacancies offer on the portal www.eijobs.net (activate the module in Settings -> Enabled modules). The module enables publication of vacancies (free of charge via the portal www.eijobs.net) and complete registration of interviews and tracking of the recruitment process. In the module's settings, it is possible to define interview statuses with candidates according to company needs and to create accompanying texts for advertisements and company presentations for repeated use. Job vacancy advertisements uploaded via eIntranet.net are always displayed in the first position on the www.eijobs.net portal.

24.8.2023 - New in the Attendance module - recording attendance by fingerprint

For the attendance module, we now offer an attendance terminal with a fingerprint reader. By attaching a finger to the reader on the terminal and then identifying the stored fingerprint, the attendance module can automatically record the attendance of users . Within the attendance module it is possible to combine enrolment by means of chips (smart cards, tags, stickers) and fingerprint. The price of the new terminal with a fingerprint reader is CZK 12,300,- excluding VAT. The fingerprint reader can also be added to the terminals used so far (price is CZK 1,500,- excluding VAT). If you are interested in this new function, please contact us at info@eintranet.net.

14.8.2023 - New in Invoices Received module - filtering by approver

In the Invoices Received module in the "To be approved" section, it is now possible to filter received invoices by current approver. The addition of this filter allows for a faster display of invoices that the selected user currently has to approve.

2.8.2023 - New in Invoices Issued - issuing documents with delegated tax liability

In the Invoices issued module, it is now possible to issue documents with delegated tax obligation - you can issue a tax document/invoice, advance invoice, proforma invoice or corrective tax document. In the module settings you need to create a separate centre for each type of document in which you select the appropriate type of document to be issued. In the relevant centre, you will then issue the document as required and it will indicate that it is issued under the reverse charge regime (tax is paid by the customer) and the relevant transaction code.

27.7.2023 - New in Attendance module - automatic pause deduction only for selected users

If you use the automatic pause deduction function in the Attendance module, you can now select only selected users to be automatically deducted pause in the settings of this module. Previously it was only possible to use this feature for all users at once.

1.7.2023 - Celebrating 15 years on the market!

Today is exactly 15 years since the launch of the first version of our app, then still under the name www.nasintranet.net. So let us give you a little recap of what we have done in that time:
  • significantly expanded the range of modules and updated their functionality
  • improved the graphic design
  • increased the security of the application and improved its accessibility
  • expanded the programming team to handle customer requests
  • improved the system for providing technical support and much more.
We thank you for your support so far and hope that our application will continue to be a valuable tool in your companies.

26.6.2023 - New in the Employee Training module - connection with the Tests module

A new option has been added to the employee training module - linking a given training to a test created in the tests module - which enables more advanced setup of the internal employee training system in companies. First, you need to create a test in the tests module as needed, which will be accessible (enabled) only to "Training employees - Users assigned to training". Then, in the settings of the specific training via the "Add test to training" button, you need to select the appropriate test to be taken as part of the training. If the user passes the test assigned within the training, the result of his/her test will appear for the training, or information whether the user has passed the test (according to the requirements defined in the test) or not.

19.6.2023 - New in Invoices Received module - separation of fields Invoice number and Variable symbol

In the Invoices Received module, the Variable Symbol/Supplier Invoice Number field is now divided into 2 separate fields. The "Variable symbol" field is limited to 10 characters (based on the banking institutions' requirement for a maximum number of characters for the variable symbol; this limitation is important mainly for automatic payment matching and export of payment orders to online banking). The "Supplier invoice number" field allows up to 45 characters.

14.6.2023 - New in the HelpDesk module - selection of the solver directly in the web form

A new option "Allow selecting a solver when entering a ticket in the web form" has been added to the HelpDesk settings.
After activating this option and filling in potential solvers who can be directly selected to solve the request, suppliers of the ticket can then directly select a suitable solver (previously, it was necessary to first enter a ticket and then the authorized user had to assign it to someone to solve).

9.6.2023 - New in the cash register module - new field Status

In the settings of the cash register module, or for individual created cash registers, the option to tick the "Status" field has been newly added. For this field it is then possible to define different statuses of receipts and expenses - e.g. to be corrected, to be returned, processed, etc..
The option to select a status from the predefined menu will then appear in the receipt/expense document in the relevant cash register for which it has been set.

5.6.2023 - New in the offer module - online customer approval

In the settings of the menu module, it is now possible to check the option "Customer can agree online". By activating this feature, the option to electronically approve the offer will then appear in the offer email sent to the customer. If the customer wishes to approve the offer sent, the email sent after clicking on the "I agree to the offer and electronically sign" button will require his name and signature, or the customer can add something to the note as needed. The date on which the offer was approved and the IP address from which the approval was made will then be entered directly into the application. The sender is notified of the approved offer via email and the customer's confirmation information is recorded in the offer detail.

31.5.2023 - New in Invoices Received - new field in Search Filter

In the Invoices Received module (in the Approved, Paid, Pending and Rejected sections), in the search filter it is now possible to enter the criterion "Approved" and search for received invoices according to their approvers.

25.5.2023 - New in delivery notes and invoices issued modules - display of EAN code

If you record an EAN code for individual stock items in the warehouse management module, it is now possible to generate this code on the delivery note or issued invoice. When generating a delivery note/invoice, you need to check the "+EAN" option. The EAN code will then appear on the generated delivery note/invoice, which will facilitate the removal of goods from your warehouse or the loading of goods at the customer.

22.5.2023 - New in the menu module - possibility to automatically attach pdf attachments to the menu

In the settings of the offer module it is now possible to upload files that will be automatically attached before or after the created offer. If you want to always attach to the offer, for example, an overview of your company services or references, business conditions, etc., save these files in the module settings, or in the relevant offer group. After the offer is created, the uploaded files are automatically attached to the created offer and sent together with the offer as one document.

18.5.2023 - New in the Invoices Received module - option to select an accountant

In the settings of the Invoices Received module, you can check the option "Accountants can only see invoices sent to them - this will also enable the selection of accountants for forwarding". When forwarding an invoice for approval, it is then possible to select a specific accountant (one or more) from a list of users in the position of accountant, who will receive information about the new invoice for processing (for payment) after the invoice has been approved.

15.5.2023 - New in Travel Orders - sorting by travel order status

In the Travel Orders module (version 2/v2) the created travel orders are now also sorted according to the current status of the travel order - subfolders Created, Waiting for approval for travel/reimbursement, Approved travel allowed/waiting for reimbursement, Returned for completion - for travel/reimbursement, Processed, Rejected, Cancelled. It is now possible to view travel orders in the selected status more quickly and efficiently.

11.5.2023 - New in the documents module - faster unzipping/packing of all folders and subfolders

A new function for faster expanding/collapsing of all folders and subfolders has been added to the documents module. If necessary, all folders and subfolders that the user has access to in the documents module can be expanded/collapsed at once, instead of having to click on each folder and subfolder in turn.

9.5.2023 - Data message module - readiness for new data box services

In connection with the announcement of the administrator of the information system of data mailboxes - the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic - we would like to inform you about the changes that will occur in the area of data mailbox services from mid-2023. It will now be possible to:
  • send and receive so-called Bulk Data Messages (VoDZ) - the limit will be set to 1 GB
  • insert compressed files in ZIP format into data message attachments
  • insert ASiC container format files into the data message attachment

The eIntranet application is ready for all of these new features and once these capabilities are deployed into the production environment by the Data Mailbox Information System Administrator, they will be fully available to users of the data message module in our application.

5.5.2023 - New in Invoices Issued module - option to choose a new invoice design

In the settings of individual centres in the Invoices Issued module, you can select a new design for the invoices issued. In addition to the classic design used so far, it is possible to select a new modern design that allows custom color selection for coloring selected parts of the invoice.
This makes it possible to further customize the appearance of the issued invoice according to the company colors.

25.4.2023 - New in Invoices Received module - possibility to move a new invoice directly to the Pending folder

In the settings of the Invoices Received module, the "Assistant" right can be checked with the new option "Assistant can pass directly to status - processed". When you click on the "Processed" button on an invoice received, the invoice will then be moved directly to the "Processed" folder without the approval process.
If the Invoices Received module is mainly used as a record of received invoices, a user with the assigned assistant privilege can move a received invoice directly to the "Pending" folder.

21.4.2023 - New in HelpDesk and Complaints modules - automatic contacting of the customer/ticket or complaint submitter

In the case of a response to a received ticket/complaint in HelpDesk or Complaints (via the "Add record/make a change" option), it is now possible to click on the "Add address" button next to the response window. This will automatically pre-populate the customer response with both the last name of the person who entered the ticket/complaint and the word "Thank you" at the end of the text box, which speeds up the creation of the customer response.

18.4.2023 - New in Contracts module - default hourly rate

In the contract module settings, it is now possible to set the default hourly rate for contract costing according to company rules. This default rate then appears automatically in the timesheets, or as a base hourly rate in the time worked on the job, and makes the job costing easier.

12.4.2023 - New in the offers module - receiving requests for offers by e-mail

It is now possible to select the option "receive requests for quotes by email" in the settings of the quote module. If this option is enabled, it is possible to have email customer requests sent directly to the offer module (sent to the email generated in the offer module settings, or redirected from your own email address). The settings also define the subject and content of the email that will be sent automatically to the customer after sending the request.
In the offer module, the header of the offer is then automatically created upon receipt of the email from the customer and after completing the content of the offer, it is possible to send the processed offer to the customer directly.

5.4.2023 - New in documents module - 3D file preview

If you save 3D files in the documents module, you can now preview these file types .
Works for 3D attachments of type obj, 3ds, stl, ply, gltf, glb, off, 3dm, fbx, dae, wrl, 3mf, ifc, brep, step, iges, fcstd, bim.

3.4.2023 - New in the orders module - linking an order to a branch/contact from CRM

In the settings of the orders module, it is now possible to set up the linking of an order to a specific branch and/or contact of a company registered in the CRM module. Previously, it was only possible to select a company established in the CRM module, not a specific branch or contact. Where to set and how to display - see attached images.

20.3.2023 - New features in the application module - bulk approval and other options

The application module offers new options and features for creating and approving applications:
  • when creating an application form in the module settings, it is now possible to select the field type "Date from-to" (previously it was only possible to enter 1 specific date, not from-to)
  • in the application settings it is possible to enable bulk approval of applications - it is then possible to mark multiple applications of the same type for bulk approval by an authorised user
  • in the settings of the last approval round of the application it is possible to option " After decision (approval) allow to change the approved application to the applicant and resend for approval" - then the submitter of the application can use the button "Change application (reapply)" to open, edit and send the already approved application to the approver for a new approval; the reopening of the application is recorded in the application history

13.3.2023 - Download invoices for subscription payment

In the Settings, Subscriptions tab, you can now find and download invoices for paid app subscriptions.
Tax receipts for subscription payments will continue to be sent by default to the billing emails specified in the account settings, they can just be additionally retrieved and downloaded within user accounts. The user who has administrator rights for the Subscriptions section can find them here:

7.3.2023 - Notification of unconfirmed attendance for selected users

In the Attendance module settings, it is now now possible to select the users to be sent a notification of unapproved (unconfirmed) attendance - previously it was possible to send it only to all users with access to the Attendance module or to no one.

3.3.2023 - Statistics of the most used modules within the eIntranet.net application

The eIntranet.net application currently contains more than 50 modules that are available to customers at any time. For your interest, here is a summary of the ten most used modules by eIntranet.net customers:
1. Tasks
2. Calendars
3. Documents
4. Files
5. Holidays
6. News
7. Directory
8. Attendance
9. CRM
10. Data messages

1.3.2023 - New features in the Vehicle registration module - Vehicle service plan

In the vehicle registration module, it is now possible to create a Vehicle Service Plan - i.e. when and what should be serviced on the vehicle, and for how long (according to the mileage or calendar months). The plan can be created individually or in bulk for any vehicle on the register. It is located on one tab with the service and you can easily order/check the service according to the schedule - the Service by date item will alert you when the service expires.

In addition, separate tabs for Service and Damage have been newly created for a clearer display of vehicle operation records.

21.2.2023 - New in the bulletin board module - fixed colours of postcards and thumbnail images

For better orientation and clarity in the bulletin board module settings, it is possible to define the colours of the bulletin boards (including their descriptions) and display image thumbnails directly (not after clicking the bulletin board). Both options are defined in the settings of the specific bulletin board.

8.2.2023 - New module Attendance - bonuses

In Settings, Enabled Modules tab, you can activate new module Attendance - bonuses, which is used to design and approve bonuses for users. The module allows managers to propose bonuses for a selected calendar month for their subordinates and send them to the main approver for approval. Once the principal approver approves the amount (in the original or adjusted amount), the user in the accounting position is notified. In the module, it is possible to clearly display the totals of amounts for individual calendar months (for the whole company) as well as for individual users.

30.1.2023 - Possibility to import companies of potential customers in the CRM module

A user with company import rights in the CRM module can import companies of potential customers from the national company database, which is now available. Thanks to this import, it is possible to prepare a list of companies to contact in the CRM module. Only selected basic data is imported - company name and publicly available addresses (not contacts - emails, phone numbers).
In the CRM module, after clicking on the Import button, the option "Import companies from the national company database" will be expanded and then it is possible to specify the companies you are interested in importing according to various criteria (district, date of establishment, form, number of employees, branch of business). A maximum of 100 records can be imported at a time.

26.1.2023 - Working calendar 2023

At https://www.eintranet.net/data/Calendar_2023.pdf you can find the 2023 working calendar in PDF on A5.

24.1.2023 - New view of Companies section in CRM module

In the CRM module in the Companies section we have modified the display of information stored for individual customers in this section. Companies section is now divided into separate subsections: Basic data, Branches, Contacts, Records, mainly for the sake of better clarity and better orientation in it.

19.1.2023 - New in Contracts module - right to access contract costs

In the contract module settings, the Additional right "Access to contract costs" has been added. If the user has this right assigned, in the order detail he will then display the Costs section, where he can see documents processed within the eIntranet.net application related to the order - statements of work, received invoices and warehouse receipts.

16.1.2023 - New module Bank Statements

In Settings, Enabled Modules tab, you can activate new Bank Statements module. This module is linked to the Invoices Received and Issued modules and allows you to match payments with invoices received/issued in eIntranet.net. In case your company has an account with Fio Banka or Raiffeisenbank, the statements are downloaded automatically, otherwise it is necessary to import them manually.

4.1.2023 - New in gallery module - generate a link to a folder

In the gallery module, it is now possible to generate a public link to the entire folder (previously it was only possible to link to a specific image). This makes it possible to share multiple images at once under one link.

30.12.2022 - Extraordinary lockout of data mailboxes

In connection with the announcement sent by the administrator of the information system of data boxes - the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic - to all users of data boxes, we remind you that in the period from 31 December 2022 0:00 to 2 January 2023 23:59 it will not be possible to receive or send any data messages. Only messages previously downloaded/sent will be available on eIntranet.net during this time.

19.12.2022 - PF 2023

We thank all users of our application for their trust and cooperation in 2022 and wish them good health, happiness, personal and professional success in the New Year. Merry Christmas from the eIntranet.net team.

15.12.2022 - Receiving and sending invoices via the data message module

In the data messages module, section Inbox data messages, it is now possible to move a received data message to Invoices received if you use (have enabled) the Invoices received module. It is also possible to have an invoice sent as a data message.

12.12.2022 - Notice of price change for Postal Data Messages

In connection with the message from Česká pošta s.p., we would like to inform the users of data boxes within the eIntranet.net application that from 1 January 2023 the price for sending a Postal Data Message will change to CZK 8.26 without VAT (CZK 10 with VAT). The same price applies to the Subsidized Data Message and the Responsible Data Message - this price is paid to the Czech Post from a credit or on the basis of a contract.

7.12.2022 - Adjustment of prices for the operation of the application

Due to the rising costs of running our app, we are announcing changes to our subscription prices. The current price list can be found here: https://www.eintranet.net/cs/pricelist. All modules of the app are still available to users as part of their subscription. Thank you for your understanding.

5.12.2022 - New in the Claims module

In the settings of the Claims module (in a specific type of claim) you can activate a new option - Selection of the Claim Resolver. After checking this check-box, it is possible to select the responsible complaint solver from the application user menu when solving a specific received complaint. In addition, in the settings of the complaint module, it is possible to activate the check-box Selection of complaint handling type - the customer then selects the following handling method when entering a complaint. This information is also included in the email sent to you about the receipt of the complaint.

21.11.2022 - New in employee worksheets for IP

In the attendance module in the attendance exports - in the files Employee's worksheet/employee notes - for the labour inspectorate - a separate column "Break" has been added. This modification has been made on the basis of new findings from the inspection of the Labour Inspectorate.

10.11.2022 - New in the attendance module

In the Attendance module settings in the Used Types section, you can define the attendance types and their colour differentiation as required. The application (or attendance module) administrator can select from a menu of attendance events that can be used in the attendance report, and the background (tag) color and text color in the tag.

2.11.2022 - New in the employee training module

In the Employee Training module the options for deleting created training courses have been extended - Delete training courses without assigned training courses (deletes the selected training course only in the Training Management section), Delete training courses including assigned training courses NOT completed (deletes training courses in the Training Management section and also deletes training courses for users, Delete all training (deletes the training in the Manage Training section and also for all users where the training is specified - regardless of whether the user has completed it or not).
The selection of a specific training deletion option is only available for users with the highest access rights to this module and is displayed by clicking on the cross icon next to the training:

24.10.2022 - New exports in Attendance module

In the attendance module, new exports of recorded attendance have been added. These are the "Employee's worksheet in PDF", which can be downloaded by the user to review/archive his/her approved attendance for a given month (the button for this export in a given month is available if the attendance for that month has already been approved), and the "Overview of the selected user's attendance for this month including notes". (Excel). These two exports are available to users with already basic access rights to the module ("Read" and "Write and Read your").

17.10.2022 - New in the attendance module

In the Attendance module settings, it is now also possible to specify the minimum number of minutes to be worked for the user to record a lunch break if the automatic lunch break deduction function is activated. It is filled in the line "Only if the minimum time worked on a given day is xx min" in the Attendance module settings.

27.9.2022 - New in the employee training module

In the Employee Training module, there is a new added option to reschedule the deadline for users assigned to a specific training to complete the training.

19.9.2022 - New in history list display

In the history list for going back in our application, records now remain after the user logs out of the application - previously the history of records was deleted after the user logged out and could not be used again.

6.9.2022 - New in Invoices Issued module

In the issued invoices report, the envelope icon is now displayed in green if the invoice has been sent to the customer, which makes it easier to send/check the sending of issued invoices. For unsent invoices, the envelope icon remains grey.

30.8.2022 - News in PAMICA export

In the settings of the attendance module in the General settings -> Export PAMICA section, new check-box "On public holidays, record full day of work" has been added - on public holidays, users do not record work in the attendance by default, for export to PAMICA it is possible to modify this if necessary. It is also possible to define custom PAMICA codes for individual attendance types as required in the Attendance module settings in the Types Used section.

22.8.2022 - New features in the cash desk module

In the settings of the cash register module, or for individual created cash registers, the option to set the default currency of the cash register - e.g. CZK, EUR, USD, etc. It is also now possible to set the purpose of payment in the receipts and expenses.

8.8.2022 - New in the employee training module

In the Employee Training module it is now possible to insert "Documents to read" - pdf files that are automatically converted into text for employees when inserting training in the form of text to read. The inserted documents will be displayed as text to the trained employee, at the end of which it is necessary to click "I have read the whole" for each document. Up to 10 files can be uploaded at a time with a maximum total size of 60 MB.

20.7.2022 - New in the tasks module

When fitting tasks in the Tasks module, it is now possible to enter multiple task states into the filter at once (previously only one state could be selected).

29.6.2022 - Attendance module - entering premiums

In the Attendance module it is possible to enter bonuses for employees. This option must first be enabled in the Attendance module settings - General settings section (by checking the Bonuses check-box). Then, users who have at least the right to approve attendance for selected users can record premiums for employees for whom they can see/approve attendance. Users with the highest type of permission can then download a premium overview for all employees.

15.6.2022 - New in the Contracts module

It is now possible to check a check-box in the contract module settings so that if you enter or change the name of the contract manager, this information is sent by e-mail to the selected contract manager.

27.5.2022 - New option to unlock closed attendance

In the attendance module, the option to unlock closed attendance has been added. If necessary, a user with administrator rights can remove the attendance lock and unlock the attendance for additional modifications (the attendance needs to be approved or locked again). Until now, only the user who approved the attendance could delete the attendance lock and only on the day on which he/she made the approval.

19.5.2022 - Video instructions for two-step verification of eIntranet login

16.5.2022 - Generating a payment request for users over the limit of purchased licenses

In the application settings, Subscription tab, it is now possible to generate a payment request to pay the subscription fee for users over the limit of purchased licenses (so it is no longer necessary to contact us for the subscription fee). The end of the overpaid period and tariff corresponds to the standard subscription fee paid so far within your eIntranet. In the eIntranet.net Subscriptions - Users section you need to select "Extension" in the Type section:

2.5.2022 - New features in the Holidays and Attendance module

In the leave module, the "Substitute" field in the leave request form has been added (this option must first be enabled in the module settings). In the Attendance module, the option to print a monthly summary of approved and unapproved attendance has been added (see View all approved/unapproved attendance).

22.4.2022 - New in GPS Location/Trip Logs

In the GPS Locations/Driver Books module, the Maximum Speed and Driving Economy columns have been added to the Driving Books section. These new columns are displayed by clicking on the arrow icon in the top right corner:

13.4.2022 - New reading device for attendance system

Our attendance system includes a new attendance terminal that can use chips and face detection. This attendance terminal comes with an admin card, which allows you to set up chips for your employees or retrieve faces for face recognition (up to 100 employee faces and unlimited chips can be entered on 1 device). Sample video:

8.4.2022 - New in the holiday module

In the Holidays module, in the Remaining Holidays section, a new option for filtering the display of holidays has been added, namely selecting the display option "All that I can see" (according to the rights in the settings of the Holidays module).

28.3.2022 - New Payroll module

In Settings, tab Enabled Modules, you can enable new module Payroll tapes, which serves as a single repository for employee payroll tapes.In this module you can upload payroll tapes to employees (they can be added in bulk) and at the same time send the employee information about inserting a payroll tape. In the module settings it is then possible to assign different types of access rights (from displaying only your own to displaying all).

23.3.2022 - New in CRM module

We have improved the connection of the CRM module to the data in ARES - now when entering a new company, all companies are automatically offered by name (not only by registration number).

15.3.2022 - New - possibility to define extra days off

A new submenu "Extra days off" has been added in the Settings section. In case you want to give all employees within your company a paid day off for a specific day, you will enter the day here and it will be automatically marked as a holiday in the employee attendance.

7.3.2022 - New features in the booking and travel orders modules

In the settings of the booking module, the option to generate or add the calendar to the intersection calendar and add the name of the intersection calendar has been added. In the module itself, it is then displayed under the selected calendar name and all records from calendars where this option has been checked are visible. In the travel orders module, sorting of entered travel orders by year has been added.

28.2.2022 - Termination of services to Russian companies

we wish to express our deep disapproval of the invasion of independent and sovereign Ukraine by the troops of the Russian Federation and join the sanctions and measures against Russia as an aggressor whose business activities we do not want to support.
Therefore, we have decided to terminate the operation of our application for companies from the Russian Federation and companies with their capital, these companies have 24 hours to download their data from the time we have contacted them.
This move is also in response to the APEC call and we see it as an important part of the pressure to end an unjustifiable attack that is unprecedented in modern Europe.
Thank you for your cooperation and we wish you much strength and positive energy. We trust and hope for an early return to our normal lives.
Your eIntranet.net team

24.2.2022 - Ability to import attendance records into PAMICA

In the attendance module, a new framework option to import approved attendance into the accounting and payroll system PAMICA has been added. The function is set in general and always needs individual adjustment according to the needs of the company, or the set rules for reporting attendance (edited by programmers as part of paid editing). If you are interested in setting up this feature, please contact us at info@eintranet.net.

15.2.2022 - Export of issued invoices to ISDOC format

In the Invoices Issued module, it is now possible to export invoices in ISDOC format (previously only in xml format for Cool). This is a common electronic invoicing format used by the state administration and most accounting programs in the Czech Republic. With invoices issued in PDF format, it is also possible to automatically send this ISDOC format as an email attachment - it is set in the settings of the Invoices issued module.

4.2.2022 - New in the holiday module

A new tab "To be cancelled" has been added in the holiday module in the section for filtering holidays by status. In this tab, the superior user can find requests for cancellation of leave of his/her subordinates. At the same time, new requests for cancellation of leave are counted in the blue information circle in the left menu.

31.1.2022 - New in the attendance module

In the attendance module, a new option to view attendance has been added - the user can now view a summary of the monthly attendance of all colleagues for whom the right to view their attendance has been assigned.

20.1.2022 - New features in the vehicle booking and registration module

In the settings of the booking module it is now possible to specify the users who will be notified by e-mail when a new booking is entered into the booking calendar of the respective object to be booked. A new user right "read only" has been added in the settings of the vehicle registration module, which allows viewing the entered records for individual vehicles without editing.

13.1.2022 - New in the asset register module

In the settings of the asset register module, there is a new option to assign assets to a company registered in the CRM module. Therefore, if you rent your equipment outside the company, or if you hand over the equipment, for example for repair, you can easily assign it to a company from CRM, and at the same time generate a handover report for this handover.

3.1.2022 - Invoices received - automatic data retrieval

Dear users,
after 3 months of development we have managed to implement an extended automatic retrieval of data from received invoices.

The system tries to retrieve the following data automatically:
Supplier, Supplier ID, variable symbol, date of taxable transaction, due date, amount to be paid, account for payment and currency.

According to the format and type of invoice receipt, the system achieves a 90% success rate, but please check the data thus obtained.

If you want to save as much work as possible for yourself and your employees, organize your suppliers to send invoices also in ISDOC format, the retrieval rate from this format is 100% and most modern accounting software already supports it.

Thank you and we hope that this feature will make your work easier.

22.12.2021 - PF 2022

The team of eIntranet.net would like to wish you a peaceful Christmas and a healthy New Year.

16.12.2021 - New in the holidays module

In the leave module settings, it is now possible to enable the submission of leave requests to the minus - it is then up to the leave approver to approve the request or not. Furthermore, the Holidays overview on the home page of the application now displays which "type of leave" the user is currently taking - regular leave, homeoffice, medical, sickday, etc.

29.11.2021 - Set your own login page background

In the settings, Basic settings tab, in the Graphical display section - Custom background at login - now it is possible to upload a custom image as well. The login page can then display, for example, a photo of your company team, permanently or in combination with the standard images that have appeared on the login page so far (you need to check the option "Alternate custom backgrounds with classic backgrounds").

19.11.2021 - Enhanced application access security

In the Settings, Security tab, it is now possible to check the check-box "Allow access from other IP addresses only to users with two-factor authentication enabled" in the "Allow by IP and country" section. With this feature, users reporting from IP addresses not entered in this section must log in not only with a standard password, but also with a code (Token) obtained from Google Authenticator.

12.11.2021 - News in the Letter Mail module

The option to define all types of mail according to your needs has been added to the settings of the mail module. Furthermore, the ability to enter the delivery status of sent items and their color differentiation - e.g. delivered/undelivered/on its way - has been added in the module settings.

4.11.2021 - New features in the Attendance module

In the Attendance module settings, you can now select the attendance types that will be used within the module. In the section Types used, check the appropriate check-box to select not only the attendance types used in the attendance report, but also the background color (marker) and text colors in the marker according to your company's needs.

22.10.2021 - New in the data message module

In the data message module for sent data messages, automatic downloading of data message delivery slips has been newly programmed (previously only the delivery slip was downloaded, i.e. confirmation of message delivery). Initially, the delivery information is provided for the "Delivery receipt" field in the .zfo file, and the delivery information is automatically added as soon as the sent message is opened on the recipient's side.

19.10.2021 - New - user birthdays

Newly on the home page of the application - in the "General" section - the birthdays of the application users can be displayed (the name of the employee whose birthday is today is displayed). You can enable this option in Settings, Users tab, General settings section, by checking the check-box "Show birthday wishes on homepage". The birth date of the employees in the Users tab is a prerequisite.

15.10.2021 - Collaboration in the Online Editor

Using the online editor, you can collaborate with multiple colleagues on a single document at the same time - you can see their cursor, what they're editing, and their name. For example, you can easily see and edit a document you're discussing in a video conference or on the phone.

14.10.2021 - New features in the asset register module

New types of user rights and other module settings have been added to the settings of the asset register module. For example, it is now possible to add the user right "Sees everything and can consume/reassign own entrusted assets" - applies to any type of assets. It is also possible to check the following options (square check-box) in the rights settings of individual users - see requests for transfer or retirement of their subordinates or receive info e-mail about completed movements (transfers/retirements) . The new form of possible rights settings can be found in Settings, Asset register module, User rights section.

12.10.2021 - New online editor (Word + Excel)

In the settings, menu tab Basic settings, there is newly added section for setting the possibility of online document editing - "Editor type". This feature makes it now possible to edit or create a document directly in the eIntranet.net application. When editing a document, it shows how many users are currently working in it (multiple users can work in it at the same time - everyone can see who is writing what), and when the work is finished, the document is saved as a new version of the document. It is also suitable for using document templates - if you create a Templates folder in the Documents module, you can create documents in the application, for example, on your company's letterhead. This option is only available to users with the extra subscription plan, other users can activate it on a trial basis.

7.10.2021 - New features in the eSick leave module

New in the eHealth Insurance module automatic retrieval of information in case of change of incapacity for work (from data messages marked "changeDpnInfo"). In addition, the "Work Injury" column has been added to the eSick Leave report to distinguish between work-related injuries and "standard" employee illnesses.

4.10.2021 - New in the news module

When registering a new news item in the news module, you can select to which groups of users (according to their work position) the news item will be sent by e-mail. This option is offered next to the "Email to all" field or hidden under the "Send to groups only" button.

17.9.2021 - New in the Contracts module

In the contracts module, a new search option has been added to the recorded contracts - it is now possible to search through the notes of contracts - see the field "In notes contained".

14.9.2021 - New in the data message module

In the data message module, it is now possible to define message labels (tags) for better orientation in received data messages. In the settings of the data message module, in the General Settings section, you must first check the option "Allow adding colour tags to data messages" and then in the next section "Tags" define possible labels (e.g. Payroll-Execution, Incapacity to work, etc.) and their colour settings. For the received data message you can then just select the relevant tag.

3.9.2021 - New in administrator rights settings

It is now possible to choose whether the user will have global administrator rights, i.e. for all modules of the application, or will have administrator rights only for selected modules of the application. It is also possible to select in Settings, Basic Settings tab (in case more than one application administrator is specified), which of the users with administrator rights will be displayed to other users as administrator (see Settings - menu section).

20.8.2021 - Displaying the left menu of the application (modules) according to rights/accesses

In the settings, tab Basic settings, it is now possible to use the check-box "Show in menu also modules to which the user does not have access" - if this check-box is unchecked, the user will see in the left menu only modules to which he has access rights (he will not see modules to which someone else from the company eIntranet users has access, but to which he does not have access).

11.8.2021 - New in GPS Location module

If necessary, manual trip editing can be activated in the GPS Location module. It is only available for users with administrator rights. Editing/deleting/adding new entries is done via the pencil icon - you can find it in the Tools section (directly in the GPS Location module) and select the "Manual Edit Trips" option. We recommend to use this function only in really necessary cases.

9.7.2021 - New in the tasks module

In the settings of the tasks module, it is now possible to enable the "Task notes can be deleted" option. If this option is enabled, the notes can be deleted by the main problem solver (at any time) and by the person who wrote the note - within 15 minutes of writing it (for case of typos/errors).

30.6.2021 - New types of rights in the asset register and travel orders modules

In the settings of the asset register module, it is now possible to assign users the right to "see the assets entrusted to them and can consume/reassign their own (any type of assets)". In the Travel Orders module, the highest type of access right adds the ability to remove the signature in a signed travel order - this is the right to "Enter, approve, read everything, delete signatures and renew and change the status of everything"; when removing the signature, it is also necessary to manually return the travel order to the appropriate (lower) status.

3.6.2021 - New in the logs module

In the settings of individual protocols in the protocols module, it is now possible to enter a new field type "Value input + mathematical formulas". This field allows you to include mathematical calculations in the protocol. You can find the exact procedure for entering calculations directly in the field type.

25.5.2021 - New in the wiki module

The "Customize folder order" function can now be activated in the wiki settings. By checking this option, it is then possible to specify the order of individual folders in the wiki module as desired (the order of folders is determined in the module settings). To determine the order of documents in a folder, you must check "Custom order documents in this folder" when creating/modifying the folder.

12.5.2021 - New features in the requests and logs modules

New types of possible fields have been added in the application module - list (selectbox) and company (name of one of the CRM modules). In the logs module, it is now possible to attach an attachment - pdf file to the end of the log (it is attached to the end of the generated log).

30.4.2021 - New in CRM module

In the CRM module settings, it is now possible to give selected users extra rights to edit or delete records (both rights can be given at the same time or only 1 selected one). The rights are assigned as additional (square check-box) next to each user's name in the module settings. It is also possible to enable the option to add these fields in the module settings : Name, Elaborated and Tags .

20.4.2021 - New in the Contracts module

In the Contracts module, the option to export an overview of contracts with a single currency has been newly added (in the case of recording contracts with different types of currencies) - before exporting to Excel, it is necessary to click on the "With conversion to CZK" button and then the contracts are exported in CZK, while the exported file also contains the current currency conversion rate.

15.4.2021 - Option to deactivate the user

In the case of an employee's departure, or the need to block his/her access to the application, it is possible to use the new check-box "Active" in the section "Add/edit user". If this check-box is unchecked (the field remains unchecked), the user's access to the application will be disabled, but all his/her data will be retained (he/she is still counted among the users who use the data space and need to pay a subscription fee). If you no longer want to pay the subscription fee, you must remove the user from the application completely (before doing so, we recommend downloading/backup all relevant documents registered for the user within the eIntranet).

12.4.2021 - Option to set up a billing email for subscriptions, automatic generation of payment prompts

In the settings, Subscriptions tab (in the Corporate/Billing section), it is now possible to enter a billing email to which payment prompts for subscription payments and tax receipts for subscription payments are sent. By default, these documents are sent to whoever generates the payment request (user with administrator rights). Now, 14 days prior to subscription expiration, an automatic payment prompt for subscription payment is also sent -to the application administrator and to the billing email (if specified). The prompt is generated according to the current number of users, the relevant tariff and for a period of 6 months.In case the number of users, the subscription length or the tariff needs to be adjusted in the automatically sent prompt, a new prompt needs to be generated in the account settings as required (as before).

9.3.2021 - Ability to record antigen tests performed in the forms module

If your company is subject to mandatory antigen testing of employees, you can quickly and easily create a clear record of the tests performed in the forms module. In the module settings you can create a form according to the regulations. In the case of self-testing of an employee, the employee can fill in the test result in the application from home. In addition, in the module settings, you can set notifications about the need for the employee to fill in the form. You can then export the completed forms to an excel spreadsheet.

5.3.2021 - New in the calendar module

In the settings of the calendar module (for the specific calendar created) it is now possible to enable the attachment of files - you need to check the check-box "Add files". Then, when writing an event to the calendar, it is possible to attach an attachment to the written event.

2.3.2021 - New features in CRM module

In the CRM module settings, you can check the option to change the date of record creation in case of record (status) modification. By updating the record date, more relevant information about user activity/records can then be obtained. It is also now possible to filter the records for a certain period and export them to Excel.

26.2.2021 - New features in the tasks module

In the assignments module, the possibility of discussion within notes has been added - several sub-notes can be linked to 1 note. This option must be enabled in the settings by ticking the check-box "Allow discussion for notes in tasks". In addition, when writing tasks in the calendar, it is possible to set the solved task to be marked in a different colour in the calendar - again, enable this in the settings of the tasks module. You can also specify in the settings to display notifications of a new task, including notes, on the home page of the application (Quick Overview).

22.2.2021 - New features in the attendance-chip module

In the Attendance-Chips module settings, it is now possible to enter the length of the break that is automatically deducted at the end of the working day if the employee does not click the lunch break during the day. It is also possible to exclude selected types of attendance from the attendance-chip entry to allow the employee to enter them manually - e.g. if manual entry of a business trip is allowed, the employee can leave for the business trip in the morning and enter it directly into the attendance-chip without having to chip in to their workplace to leave for the business trip.

15.2.2021 - New function "Remember the Search field above the table"

After clicking the user name in the upper right corner, you can turn off/on the option to remember the searched data in the quick search window (Search field above the table) - you can keep the set display for further work or, on the contrary, avoid examining why only a limited part of the data is displayed (in case you have some search term left in the Search field).

4.2.2021 - New in the Claims module

In the settings of the complaint module, it is now possible to choose from which status of the complaint the number of days for processing should be calculated (e.g. from the status "new" or from the status "accepted") and whether the email sent to the customer will include a summary table of the complaint. It is also possible to set how many days before the expiration of the deadline for handling the complaint the relevant users are to be notified by e-mail of the end of the deadline. In the module itself, it is then possible to use keywords in the Response Templates section, which are automatically added when sending an email using the template. It is then possible to tick within the record/change entry to create a pdf or complaint log from the text of the response.

28.1.2021 - More accurate search in the wiki module

In the wiki module settings it is possible to check the "Search with exact accent" check-box, which can make the search for a certain term more accurate - e.g. when you type the word cubicle, normally both *cubicle* and *cubicle* are searched, if this option is enabled, only *cubicle* is searched.

14.1.2021 - New in Invoices Issued module

In the Invoices Issued module it is now possible to issue invoices with stamp/signature on the issued invoice. The stamp/signature must be uploaded in the module settings or in the specific invoice centre - field "Supplier stamp/signature on invoice".

14.1.2021 - New in Invoices Issued module

A new statistics section has been added to the invoices issued module, in which it is possible to display statistics of issued invoices according to various criteria - by centres, customers, DUZP - and to compare issued invoices for certain periods (including the possibility of graphical representation).

14.12.2020 - New in GPS Location module

There are two new options in the GPS Location module: - monitor vehicle battery voltage (suitable against theft/depleted battery) - SMS/Email notification - monitor entry/exit to/from defined areas at defined times (e.g. monitor night exits from the company premises) - SMS/Email notification Both of these options can be found in the Tools section (you must have the appropriate permissions for them in Module Settings).

18.11.2020 - New holidays from 1 January 2021

In connection with legislative changes in the use and reporting of leave from 1 January 2021, it is now possible to submit leave requests in hours within the eIntranet application (previously only in days). More information on this change and the procedure for activating it can be found here.

5.11.2020 - New in the news module

In the news module, there is a new option to click the detail (eye icon), which shows (in case of sending an e-mail informing about the news) what parameters were selected for sending the e-mail and to whom and when the e-mail was sent.

22.10.2020 - New automatic attendance enrolment option

It is now possible to automatically record the exact arrival/departure time of an employee in the attendance register using facial recognition. We have extended the capabilities of the module attendance - chips by face detection and renamed this module to attendance - chip/face. For more information about face detection and settings, see the module description at https://www.eintranet.net/cs/moduly-intranet-dochazka-rozpoznavani-obliceje.

13.10.2020 - New types of GPS units

We have expanded the range of GPS units that can be installed in vehicles. In addition to the OBD slot unit, we now offer GPS on car battery (it can be installed by yourself and supports the use of basic functions of the GPS module) or GPS on CAN (the unit must be installed by our technician, but allows the use of more advanced functions of the module - for example, identification of drivers by chip). For more information on the different types of units, please refer to the GPS Location/Driver Book module description.

9.10.2020 - New in Invoices Received module

In the Invoices Received module, in the section "Approved, for payment" or "Processed", it is now possible to print an invoice approval report in the details of the invoice record (Approval report button in the upper right corner above the invoice), in which the individual steps of the approval process are recorded.

1.10.2020 - New in the employee training module

In the training management, or in the overview of created training, there is a new column "Completed/Completed", which informs about the number of employees who have already completed the training, or the total number of employees who have been assigned to the training. Next to the name of the Employee Training module in the left menu of the application, a number is now displayed in a blue circle informing about the number of newly assigned trainings to the user logged into the application.

21.9.2020 - New GPS Location module

In order to streamline your company agenda, we have launched the GPS Location module (electronic logbook and diets). This module will allow you to get rid of the agenda of manual logbook keeping and save your time for more important work. For more information, see the description of the GPS Location/Driver's Logbook module - GPS Location/Driver's Logbook leaflet - procedure for connecting the unit to the vehicle

1.9.2020 - New logs module

We have launched a new logs module that allows you to create your own log templates according to your company's needs (e.g. for measurement, inspection, meetings, etc.). It is possible to insert the signature of the processor (eIntranet user) into the protocol and send it by e-mail. The module is interconnected with CRM, HelpDesk and asset register modules. The electronic entry of minutes significantly streamlines and speeds up the process of processing and recording minutes. More information about the module can be found in the description of each module or in the help section.

17.8.2020 - New in the asset register module

In the module settings, it is possible to define additional items in the "Optional fields" section to enable the recording of information about the recorded assets according to company needs. The following types of data can be recorded - integer, decimal, yes/no (checkbox), date, list - selection (selectbox), text (1 line).

21.7.2020 - New in Projects and Invoices Received

In the projects module, in addition to the Gantt chart display of project parts by day, you can also use the weekly or monthly view. In the settings of the Invoices Received module, it is possible to activate that the information emails about the invoice to be approved also include custom added notes.

26.6.2020 - New in the modules tasks

When entering a task, you can enter quarterly, semi-annual or annual repeats - when entering a task, you must enter repeats in selected months of the year. A new option "Repeat" has then been created in the filter in the tasks module, for which the option "Recurring only" must be specified if you wish to display recurring tasks.

9.6.2020 - New in the Contracts module

The section "Used items for contracts" in the contracts module settings has been extended with new items - e.g. contract manager, team responsible for the contract, list of suppliers, place of execution, bid price and others (see the complete list of items in the module settings).

1.6.2020 - New features in the tasks and news modules

In the tasks module, you can add a new task status "To check" in the module settings. In the news module settings, you can specify how the news will be displayed on the module homepage - whether everything will be on one page or only the title and image will be displayed on the homepage, more will be displayed after clicking.

22.5.2020 - New features in the vehicle booking and news modules

In the vehicle booking module, it is possible to book vehicles with time accuracy (no longer just all-day bookings), allowing you to use a vehicle multiple times a day if it is available. By activating this feature, it is possible to submit and approve bookings via the booking calendar. In the news module, a filter has been added for searching by different criteria - e.g. by title or type of news.

13.5.2020 - Option to edit the signature in the outgoing email

In the case of sending documents generated within the individual modules of the application (e.g. invoices issued), it is possible to edit your signature in the email sent from the application via the "Edit signature in email" button that appears after clicking on your name in the upper right corner.

20.4.2020 - New features in the Employee Training and Bulletin Boards module

In the Employee Training module in the Training Management section, it is possible to print the selected training if necessary - i.e. the basic data about the training, its specific content and which of the employees (users) did not/had not completed the training. In the bulletin board module, it is possible to enable adding comments of application users to individual posts on the bulletin board in the module settings.

23.3.2020 - VIDEO CONFERENCE module extension

In the video conferencing module, you can now share your desktop to show others, for example, a document you're working on, a presentation, a graphic, etc.This is not April. :-).

23.3.2020 - VIDEO CONFERENCE module extension

In the video conferencing module, you can now get a link to connect external collaborators (customers, suppliers, business partners) who do not have access to eIntranet.net. This way, you can quickly connect with those you need to communicate with at work, even in times of quarantine.

23.3.2020 - VIDEO CONFERENCE module extension

We have extended the video conferencing with the ability to send files and send meeting invitations via email or SMS.

23.3.2020 - VIDEO CONFERENCE module extension

Video conferencing has been extended to include messaging - within a selected conference group, participants can also send written information to all members of the group - e.g. web links or other information that is more efficient to convey in writing. At the same time, the technology for video conferencing has been modified so that video conferencing works even behind more restrictive firewalls.

20.3.2020 - New module VIDEO CONFERENCE

To facilitate working from home, we have created and launched a new module VIDEO CONFERENCE. The video conferencing module only requires the CHROME browser to work, you don't need to install anything else. You need to enable the module in Settings -> Enabled Modules and then assign users the relevant rights to use the module. The specific team discussions are then set up in the module itself according to the assigned access rights. In the next week, the module will be extended to include a chat option.

4.3.2020 - New features in the data messages and tasks modules

In the data message module, it is now possible to enable sending data messages to multiple recipients at the same time. In the tasks module, it is possible to lock tasks in the "Solved" status for further editing and to set that only the approver of the task can mark the task as solved. For more information, see the descriptions of each module in the Help section.

25.2.2020 - New currency exchange rates module

The module contains the exchange rates of individual currencies since 2000 and allows you to view currency trends in clear charts. Rates are downloaded automatically from the CNB every working day. The module is linked to the invoice issued module - when an invoice is issued in a foreign currency, the current exchange rate is displayed on the issued invoice.

12.2.2020 - Increase application security

To increase the security of the application, it is now possible to restrict access to the eIntranet by country (previously it was only possible by IP address). The specific countries from which the user can log in can be specified in Settings, Security tab

6.2.2020 - New features in leave, attendance and forms modules

In the leave module, it is possible to send information about approved leave to other users of the application (other colleagues from the company) as required. In the attendance module, it is possible to set up sending reminders to users who do not confirm their attendance by a certain day of the month and at the same time to send an overview of non-/confirmed attendance to a designated user. In the form module, you can select the type of date field with a date watch - who to remind and when to remind is set for each record separately (i.e. for one type of form, you can set different users and different time requirements for sending reminders). For more information, see the description of each module in the Help section.

27.1.2020 - New features in CRM and wiki modules

It is now possible to update data in the Companies section of the CRM module for a company that is already established in the module. In the wiki module, support for embedding videos has been added so that it is now possible to post videos within individual posts. For more information, see the individual module descriptions in the Help section.

21.1.2020 - Processing of eSick leave in the eIntranet

Thanks to the new eSick leave module, you now have the option of automatic processing of eSick leave. The module is connected with the data messages module (within which the receipt of eSick leave from the Social Security Agency is carried out) and the attendance module (automatic entry of the user's sick leave into the attendance register). The eSick leave module offers an overview of the users' sick leave (active and expired sick leave, search, download of original information about sick leave from ČSSZ). The procedure for activating the automatic processing of eSick leave can be found here: eSick leave.pdf

15.1.2020 - New features in the invoices received and tasks modules

In the Invoices Received module it is now possible to disable sending information about unreliable VAT payers and from the insolvency register to the e-mail of users of this module - you can do this in the module settings. In the tasks module, the option of mass deletion of tasks has been added - first you need to filter the tasks to be deleted and then click on the "Delete displayed" button.

15.1.2020 - New features in the invoices received and tasks modules

In the Invoices Received module, we have added the option to select the calendar year in the "Pending" section to display pending invoices faster. In the tasks module we added the possibility to edit a task only by the task's assignor. More information can be found in the description of each module in the Help section.

23.12.2019 - PF 2020

We wish you good health, happiness and an overall successful 2020. We hope that our app will be your helper in 2020.

13.12.2019 - New in HelpDesk module

In the HelpDesk settings, it is now possible to define optional fields as required. You can add the information you would like to add to individual helpdesk projects. You enter the optional fields in the settings, HelpDesk module, Optional fields section. You can enter fields with an answer type e.g. text - 1 line or more, check-box, date, number.

13.12.2019 - New in HelpDesk module

In HelpDesk, it is now also possible to search "In note" or "In description" in the Filter search section. For more information, see the HelpDesk module in the Help document (Help section).

15.11.2019 - Transfer a file from the eIntranet to a local computer without downloading

For your convenience, we have prepared a function that allows you to transfer a file directly to the folder (or e.g. to the desktop) you need in the CHROME browser (unfortunately, the others do not support this function), without the need for intermediate dragging and copying.

13.11.2019 - New features in the asset register module

In the asset registration module, it is now possible to add the contents of the package, create transfer protocols (loans) for several assets at once and store images of the registered assets. More information can be found in the description of the asset registration module in the Help document (Help section).

7.11.2019 - New in module tests

In the tests module it is now possible to set a time limit for each test question when creating a test (previously it was only possible to set a limit for the whole test). For more information, see the description of the tests module in the Help document (Help section).

25.10.2019 - Czech POINT outage

Due to the downtime of Czech POINT from 25 October from 20.0 to 29 October until 6.0, it will not be possible to request extracts from OR and TR from Czech POINT using the data message module of the eIntranet.net application. Thank you for your understanding.

24.10.2019 - New in Invoices Issued

2 new options have been added in the invoices issued module to facilitate work with issued invoices. Clicking on the document number will expand the items contained in the document. Clicking on the variable symbol of an invoice will display the detail of that invoice (however, clicking on the eye icon at the end of the line in the invoice overview will still display the detail of the invoice).

24.10.2019 - New in Invoices Issued

In the Invoices Issued module, when sending an invoice, the file with the sent invoice is now attached as an attachment to the note (it is easy to see which version of the invoice was sent). If the invoice is modified, a note is written about this fact and the original invoice file is saved as an attachment again. For more information, see the description of the invoice module issued in the Help document (Help section).

30.9.2019 - Linking asset register modules and tasks

In the asset register module, it is possible to set up a task in the tasks module to be created automatically some time before the date of the next revision of the asset register and to be entered into the calendar. For more information, see the description of the asset register module in the Help document (Help section).

11.9.2019 - Debtor alerts for unpaid invoices in the Invoices Issued module

It is now possible to enable in the Invoices Issued module settings to automatically send information about unpaid invoices to outstanding customers via email or SMS. Issued invoices are checked every day at 11am and then notifications are automatically sent to debtors for overdue invoices (according to the set number of days overdue). For more information, see the description of the invoice issued module in the Help document (Help section).

6.9.2019 - Linking the tasks module with the work reports module

It is now possible to enable the reporting of work on individual tasks in the tasks module settings. After activating this option, it is possible to enable/hide the display of the names of the tasks for which the work has been reported in the work reports overview. For more information, see the description of the Tasks module in the Help document (Help section).

27.8.2019 - New features in the forms and appointment scheduling modules

In the forms module we have added a new field type "DATE WITH EXPIRATION WATCH", which allows you to watch the expiry date, e.g. watch the validity of contracts - this field can be set according to the need, which user and how many days in advance will be notified of the expiry date. In the appointment scheduling module, the invited voter can now also vote directly in the eIntranet.net application when voting on an appointment date (previously only possible via the voting prompt). For more information, see the description of each module in the Help document (Help section).

20.8.2019 - New features in helpDesk and work schedule modules

In the helpDesk settings, you can now enable entering your own ticket ID and automatic ticket closing. It is also possible to set the ticket name to be automatically entered as the subject of the email. In the work schedule module, it is possible to select in the settings whether it is also possible to book vehicles when filling in the schedule, or to add fields for adding additional information as required. For more information, see the description of each module in the Help document (Help section).

15.8.2019 - Obtain an extract from OR and TR from CzechPoint using the data message module

In the data message module, thanks to the connection of the eIntranet application with CzechPoint, it is now possible to obtain an electronically signed extract from the Commercial Register or the Criminal Register of Legal Entities. You can find the specific procedure for obtaining statements in the Data Reports module in the Help section.

13.8.2019 - New features in the Tasks and Attendance modules

In the tasks module, the option to filter by "status" has been added and a new category "pending" has been added. In the Attendance module, it is now possible to track the changes made in the attendance of individual users - this option must be enabled in the module settings. For more information about the added features, please see the Help section.

1.8.2019 - Less line indentation in the text editor in eIntranet.net

If you find that pressing the "Enter" key when working with the text editor (the same text editor is used everywhere in eIntranet.net) makes the indentation too large, it is because a new paragraph is being created. If you need less line indentation, please use the "Shift" + "Enter" key combination.

19.7.2019 - New module COMPLAINT

We have launched a new complaints module, which enables clear and efficient management of the complaints process. The advantage of using this module is the clarity, efficiency and speed of working with individual customer complaints in the case of transferring requirements between multiple solvers. More information can be found in the module description or in the Help section.

28.6.2019 - Improving foreign language versions of the app

We are improving the user experience and translating the application into foreign languages. Translated modules are marked in Settings -> Enabled modules with flags of the respective languages. In case you find the translation unclear or inaccurate, we will be glad if you let our programming team know. The specific procedure can be found here: Translation.pdf.

25.6.2019 - New features in the Invoices Received, Requests and Documentary Mail modules

In the Invoices Received module, when manually inserting an invoice, it is possible to enable the option to move the inserted invoice directly to the "Pending" status. In the application module (version 2), the possibility of copying individual applications has been added for faster submission of similar applications. In the letter mail module it is now possible to retrieve the addressee/sender from the CRM module. For more information about the added features, please see the description of each module or the Help section.

4.6.2019 - New in the Invoices Received module

In the settings of the Invoices Received module, it is now possible to activate the function of recording the due date. The field for recording the due date of the invoice will then appear in the details of the invoice record, and overdue invoice dates are marked in red in the invoice overview. In the module's filter, it is also now possible to search for invoices by due date.

4.6.2019 - New in the Invoices Received module

In the Received Invoices module, it is now possible to restrict the reading of received invoices to the approver of the invoice, disable the ability to change data if the invoice is in the Pending status, add the name of the order from the Orders module or disable the option to reject the invoice. For more information, see the Invoices Received module in the Help document (Help section).

4.6.2019 - New in the Invoices Received module

In the Invoices Received module, the entire invoice is now automatically displayed in the invoice detail and it is possible to write notes on it (e.g. which centre the item belongs to). Furthermore, the options in the module settings have been extended - e.g. to enable the possibility of entering the order number or deleting attachments. For more information, see the Help section, chapter Invoices received.

27.5.2019 - Possibility of editing the user's own profile

In the Employees module settings, it is now possible to allow users to manage their data themselves (it is possible to edit their contact and other identification data as well as photos). For more information, see the Help section, Employees chapter.

13.5.2019 - Easier registration of users to the application

Users who are to be registered in the application can now be sent a unique link through which they fill in the required identification data to create access to the application. The application administrator then only needs to set the required access rights in the individual modules. More information can be found in the Help section, under User Entry.

25.4.2019 - New in the bulletin board module

In the bulletin board module, it is now possible to set a default bulletin board that will be automatically displayed when the user clicks on the bulletin board module (in case the system does not remember the last bulletin board visited). You can set the default bulletin board by checking the "My default bulletin board" check-box directly on the bulletin board.

25.4.2019 - New in the bulletin board module

In the bulletin board module it is possible to enable confirmation of reading of individual posts by users, or to display a list of users who have already read the post. For more information, see the Help section under Bulletin Board Module.

18.4.2019 - New in the labour reports module

In the job reports module it is now possible to enable filtering of job reports to display reports from multiple jobs at the same time. For more information, see the Help section of the Job Reports module.

10.4.2019 - Revision of registered assets

In the asset register module, the possibility of performing revisions has been added to the registered assets. The application monitors the revision validity date and after the revision is performed, it is possible to print the revision report. To perform revisions, it is necessary to have the registered assets marked with QR codes. For more information, see the Help section of the Asset Accounting Module.

29.3.2019 - Option to accept invoices for multiple companies

In the Invoices Received module, it is now possible to set the option to receive invoices for multiple companies (differentiate which company the invoice was sent to). More information can be found in the Help section.

21.3.2019 - New features in the Attendance module

In the attendance module we have added a new attendance type "Wage Reimbursement". This new type of attendance can be selected when entering attendance, or the number of hours related to this type of attendance is then shown both in the monthly overview in hours (days) and in exported excel files. In addition, an icon for copying the recorded attendance including notes is newly added in the completed attendance report - an icon of 2 sheets over each other with a dot.

21.3.2019 - New features in the Attendance module

In the Attendance module, it is now possible to set up automatic pre-filling of different working hours for individual users for individual working days. More information can be found in the Help section.

15.3.2019 - Multi-round approval of received invoices

In the Invoices Received module, it is possible to set the approval of invoices by multiple approvers (in the exact order) according to the company's needs - the last approver is defined as the final approver and after his approval, the invoice is moved to the "Approved, for payment" folder. More information can be found in the module description or in the Help section.

8.3.2019 - Reminders of tasks

In the tasks module, it is now also possible to provide a reminder of the task when creating it - you can send the reminder to the main solver or to all solvers by e-mail or SMS. More information can be found in the module description or in the Help section.

22.2.2019 - Attachments to issued invoices

In the Invoices Issued module, we have added the option to add an attachment to an invoice. Attachments (e.g. detailed work breakdown or other necessary documents) can be added before sending the invoice.

18.2.2019 - New in the Travel Orders module

We have expanded the number of states that a travel order can reach during filling and approval to 6 (created - waiting for travel approval - approved, travel allowed - approved, waiting for reimbursement - processed - rejected) and added the possibility of approving the submitted travel order by the approver directly from the sent information e-mail (without the need to log in to the application). For more information, see the module description or the Help section.

12.2.2019 - Option to automatically retrieve data in received invoices

The following data can be automatically retrieved in the context of received invoices from verified e-mails: variable symbol amount excluding VAT When an invoice is received, these data are automatically entered into the relevant fields in the detail record of the received invoice. For the procedure to enable automatic loading of these data, please refer to the description of the Invoice Received module in the Help section.

6.2.2019 - New module SCHEDULING MEETINGS

The appointment scheduling module makes it easy to schedule appointments online, making it easy to organize meetings, appointments, meetings or meetings. More information can be found in the module description or in the Help section.

28.1.2019 - QR codes in invoices issued

In the invoices issued module, all issued invoices are now equipped with QR codes for easier payment by your customers. More information can be found in the module description or in the Help section.

21.1.2019 - New module WORK SCHEDULE

The work schedule module serves as a simple tool for clear planning of employees' work activities in companies in a selected time period (assigning employees to work orders on individual working days). Individual types of work events can be preset according to the needs of the company. More information can be found in the module description or in the Help section.

7.1.2019 - Safer login to eIntranet.net

In cooperation with Google, we have implemented the ability to log into the application with two-factor authentication using Google Authenticator. You can find the procedure for enabling this login here: Two-phase_authentication_Google_Authenticator.pdf.

11.12.2018 - New in the modules Tests and Employee Training

In the tests module we have added a new question type "Multiple Choice with limitation of the number of choices to the maximum number of correct ones" and the possibility of counting points for each partial correct answer. In the employee training module, we added the possibility to attach attachments to the completed training - e.g. certificates, diplomas, confirmations.

4.12.2018 - New WSDL module

The WSDL (SOAP) Services for External Applications module supports the following services: eIAccess.wsdl - for redirecting and accessing a user from another application without logging in. Additional information is available in the WSDL module settings.

29.11.2018 - New in the Employees module

In the user rights of the Employees module, it is now possible to give the superstructure right "see internal notes of users" - you need to select the names of users for whom the person with this right can see the notes. Furthermore, when adding/editing a user, it is possible to hide the email and mobile phone fields for others to view (e.g. if employees do not have a company email/phone and this is their private data).

29.11.2018 - New in the Employees module

We have improved the settings of the employees module and made the registration of data about employees (application users) clearer. Newly it is possible to: define more detailed rights for access to the employees module display employee detail add relevant documents to employees (contracts, benefits, etc.)

23.11.2018 - Postal data messages

We have prepared an overview document on what postal data messages (PDZ) are and how to use them.

21.11.2018 - New in Documents and Invoices Received

In the documents module, it is now possible to enable the option to create a news item in the News module after inserting a new document. In the Invoices Received module, it is now possible to check that the company information will be entered manually when entering a new company into the company list (in case it is not possible to retrieve the data by registration number - e.g. for foreign entities). More information can be found in the Help section.

16.11.2018 - New features in the application module

We have added a new response type "eIntranet user" in the application module - when filling in the form, the names of eIntranet users in the company will be displayed in the menu. We also added the option to check whether the selected field type will be displayed in the main overview table or only in the application details. For more information, see the Help section.

13.11.2018 - The eIntranet.net application also in English or Slovak version

The eIntranet.net application is gradually being translated into English and Slovak. In Settings -> basic settings the administrator can enable the use of these language versions and then each user chooses the language in which the application will be displayed. Currently the basic menu of the application and some selected modules - e.g. documents - are translated. We will keep you informed about the translation progress.

7.11.2018 - New features in the letter mail and invoices received modules

In the Sent Postal Mail module, you can now download the submission sheet for the Czech Post for sending registered mail. In the settings of the Invoices Received module, it is possible to enter an e-mail address to which information will be sent if an invoice has not been received in the system (unverified/unauthorized e-mail). More information can be found in the description of each module or in the Help section.

30.10.2018 - New in the data message module

In the settings of the data message module, there is a new Rules section, where it is now possible to set rules for automatic processing of data messages - conditions are set when a message is received and actions are subsequently performed. Before using the rules, we recommend testing them thoroughly first - see the "Test the rules" section. Rules are only run and tested on messages in the Inbox.

30.10.2018 - New in the data message module

In the data message module, it is now possible to send a data message to selected eIntranet users. In the module settings, this option must first be enabled, and then the "Acknowledge" button will appear next to the sent message. Users to whom the message is forwarded are informed via e-mail, in which there is an "Acknowledge" button. If they accept this option, this information is entered in the notes of the data message.

30.10.2018 - New in the data message module

In the settings of the data message module, or in the settings of a specific data mailbox, the option has been newly added to mark downloaded messages from MojdeDatovaSchranka.cz as read in MojeDatovaSchranka.cz when downloaded to eIntranet.net (they will no longer be highlighted in bold on MojeDatovaSchranka.cz).

30.10.2018 - New in the data message module

In the data messages module, it is now possible to receive and send postal data messages, which are the electronic equivalent of registered mail and serve for business communication of data box users. For more information, see the module description or the Help section.

25.10.2018 - New in shift planning module

In the Shift Scheduling module, it is now possible to allow 1 resource to log in for multiple shifts within 1 day. The condition for 1 resource to be used on multiple shifts within 1 day is that the shifts do not overlap. For more information, see the module description or the Help section.

22.10.2018 - New module PROJECTS

The Projects module provides an effective software tool for project management. The module facilitates planning and monitoring of project progress and adherence to project timelines (Gantt chart view). For more information, see the module description or the Help section.

17.10.2018 - New in the letter mail module

It is now possible to write records in the sent paper mail on the ČP filing sheet according to the filtered requirements. For more information, see the Help section of the Letter Mail module.

17.10.2018 - New in the letter mail module

Within the sent letter mail in the letter mail module, it is now possible to generate envelope labels and print them. For more information, see the module description or the Help section.

8.10.2018 - New features in the data message module

In the data message module, it is now possible to forward a received data message to multiple users for resolution (users who receive a message for resolution must themselves be aware of possible simultaneous resolution of the message by multiple users at the same time). In addition, after clicking the "Reply" button, the automatically retrieves the serial number and file number from the original incoming message into the newly created data message.

8.10.2018 - New features in the data message module

In the settings of the data message module, or in the settings of specific data mailboxes, it is now possible to set exceptions to automatic downloading of data messages. You can set the following exceptions to message downloading - non-working days, the day before a non-working day (the day before a holiday, the day before a weekend) or selecting specific days of the week when messages will not be downloaded automatically.

8.10.2018 - New features in the data message module

In the data message module, it is now possible to prepare a data message only for sending (it can be prepared by a user who has access to the module, then sent by a superior employee with the right to send) or to assign users access rights only to certain data boxes. For more information, see the module description or the Help section.

4.10.2018 - New in the attendance module

In the Attendance module, in case of irregular working hours of an employee, holidays or vacations for a given day are calculated automatically according to the number of hours the employee should have worked on that day. The procedure for activating this option can be found in the description of the Attendance module in the Help document (Help section).

4.10.2018 - New in the attendance module

In the attendance module we have innovated the way of entering time records (from - to) for individual attendance events. When you click in the time field, a clock hand will appear and moving/clicking the hand will set the hour/minute. It is also possible to click on the hour/minute time and enter the reported time manually. The advantage is faster entry on both PC and mobile device.

4.10.2018 - New in the attendance module

In the attendance module, it is now possible to report the use of paternity leave, which can be taken by the father of a newborn child for seven days (until the child is six weeks old). It is covered by sickness insurance and must be requested by the employer on a special form from the Social Insurance Institution.

1.10.2018 - New in the holidays module

In the settings of the leave module it is possible to give the new overriding right "See all unapproved leaves" (square check-box), which allows the user with this right to see unapproved leaves of all users (to see them, it is necessary to have the option "Show rejected/cancelled leaves" checked in the settings). It is also possible to export to Excel in the monthly overview section of the leave module when selecting the "my subordinates only" option, a summary of the leaves of your subordinates.

1.10.2018 - New in the holidays module

It is now possible to set whether to display rejected or cancelled holidays in the overview - you can enable this option in the module settings. It is also possible to specify in the module settings which type of leave should be the default when filling in the application (no/leave/sick day/paid leave) and whether the remaining leave should be displayed according to users whose leave can be approved by the user or according to users whose leave can be seen by the user (set according to the respective rights in the module).

1.10.2018 - New in the holidays module

In the holidays module it is now possible to set the option to request new types of holidays - paid or unpaid leave and sick days. More information can be found in the module description or in the Help section.

27.9.2018 - Travel orders for foreign missions

In the Travel Orders module, you can also fill in orders for foreign business trips. The module also allows automatic calculation of entitlement to meal allowances (it is necessary to set the appropriate rates in the module settings) using current exchange rates according to the CNB. More information can be found in the module description or in the Help section.

21.9.2018 - New module EMPLOYEE TRAINING

The employee training module supports the creation of an effective training system in companies. The module allows you to list individual training courses, assign employees to relevant training courses and record which training courses an employee is to attend or has already attended. More information can be found in the module description or in the Help section.

18.9.2018 - New in the wiki module

It is now possible to select font, font size, font color and background color in the wiki module when creating/editing individual articles. For more information, see the module description or the Help section.

12.9.2018 - Organizational structure in the Employees module

In the Employees module, you can now view the organizational structure of the application users. The condition for displaying the organization chart is that in the Settings, Users tab, individual users have a specified nearest supervisor. For more information, see the module description or the Help section.

6.9.2018 - Statistics in the statements at work

We have added a section "Statistics" in the labour reports module, in which it is possible to view the reported work in the required periods, by individual employees and contracts. To view statistics, the user must have a higher type of access right - at least "write and read my work and selected people". For more information, see the module description or the Help section.

4.9.2018 - New module VEHICLE BOOKING

The Vehicle Reservation Module allows you to create, approve and record reservations for company vehicles. Vehicles to be reserved are retrieved from the vehicle registration module - it is possible to mark vehicles available for reservation - and the user is automatically informed about the reservation result via e-mail. More information can be found in the module description or in the Help section.

29.8.2018 - New feature to make working with the app easier

We have added the ability to quickly return to the module in which users were working after logging in - after clicking on the hand icon, a menu of the last used modules (last 15 records) will expand - and then just click on the desired module:

27.8.2018 - New module INVOICES ISSUED

The invoice issued module is now available in our application. It is a simple and reliable program that allows VAT payers to issue and record invoices on-line. More information can be found in the module description or in the Help section.

20.8.2018 - New module CONTRACTS

We have launched a new contracts module, which enables efficient management of contract execution. The module is linked to the tasks module (the possibility of entering tasks related to the execution of the contract) and to the work reports module (the possibility of reporting the work done). More information can be found in the module description or in the Help section.

17.8.2018 - New in the documents module

In the documents module, we have added the ability to download multiple files at once - first use the check-boxes to select the documents you want to download, and then expand the "Documents" button and select "Download marked". In case you get a window about blocking pop-ups, you need to enable them.

17.8.2018 - New in the documents module

Now you can choose in the settings of the documents module when new versions of inserted documents will be written - whether a new version of documents will be created always (i.e. when the name, description or attachments are changed) or only when files (attachments) are changed.

20.7.2018 - New in the documents module

New options have been added to the module settings - require entering a document name (without entering a document name, the document cannot be saved) and require entering a document attachment (again, the document cannot be saved without entering an attachment). It is also possible to delete older versions of a document (only for a user with administrator rights) - you need to enable this in the settings - and to perform bulk moves of marked documents (you need to check the checkbox in the "Actions" section of the document, and then click the "Move marked" button).

20.7.2018 - New in the documents module

In the documents module, it is now possible to search all folders (not just subfolders as before) and assign keywords (tags) to inserted documents, which can then be used to search for documents. More information can be found in the documents module in the Help document (Help section).

20.7.2018 - New in the documents module

In the documents module, it is now possible to preview the entire document or generate a public link to the file stored in the documents module for people who are not eIntranet users. For more information, see the description of the documents module or the Help section.

2.7.2018 - New in gallery module

In the gallery module, it is now possible to generate a public link to a room stored in the gallery module for people who are not eIntranet users. For more information, see the description of the documents module or the Help section.

26.6.2018 - New features in the wiki, holidays and invoices received modules

In the wiki module it is now possible to generate a direct link to a published document/article and send it to other users. In the leave module, it is also possible to write a justification for the applicant in case of refusal of leave - this information will then be sent to the applicant by email. In the invoice received module, it is possible to attach an attachment at any stage of the invoice approval. More information can be found in the description of each module or in the Help section.

22.6.2018 - New module BUILDINGS

The construction module enables planning of the occupation of individual buildings with the necessary human and technical resources (construction tools, machines, vehicles). The deployment of individual resources on a construction site can be displayed in clear monthly or annual schedules. More information can be found in the module description or in the Help section.

19.6.2018 - Edit documents directly in the documents module

It is now possible to edit documents stored in the documents module directly in eIntranet.net. Instructions on how to proceed can be found here: https://www.eintranet.net/data/Editace_souboru_a_ulozeni_primo_v_eIntranetu.pdf

12.6.2018 - Possibility to set conditions for obtaining meal vouchers

In the Attendance module, you can now set the conditions for calculating your entitlement to meal vouchers. For more information, see the description of the Attendance module or the Help section.

7.6.2018 - Possibility to import users into the application in bulk

Within the application, it is now possible to register new users in bulk - you can prepare the relevant user data for registration in the application in a prescribed structure in an Excel file and then import this file. More information can be found in the Help section.

28.5.2018 - We have launched a discussion module

The Discussion module enables the creation of discussions within the eIntranet.net application and the sharing of opinions, ideas and knowledge on various topics, not only company-related, among the application users. Within the module it is possible to create simple (with one user) or mass (with multiple users) discussions. More information can be found in the module description or in the Help section.

24.5.2018 - New features in the modules tests, asset register and vehicle register

In the tests module we have added the possibility to display test results also by individual questions and the possibility to export these results to .pdf. In the asset register module it is possible to add attachments to the registered assets and create inventory lists using QR codes. In the vehicle registration module, it is possible to add attachments to the registered vehicle and, in the case of a subsequent insurance, to automatically activate this insurance in case of expiry of the current insurance.

22.5.2018 - Speeding up work with eIntranet

It is now possible to open documents/attachments downloaded from the eIntranet directly (it is not necessary to download them and then open them). Instructions on how to proceed can be found here: https://www.eintranet.net/data/Zrychleni_prace_otevirani_priloh.pdf

24.4.2018 - We have added the ability to add optional fields in tasks

In the tasks module, we added the possibility to add optional fields when entering tasks according to user needs. More information can be found in the module description in the Help section.

21.3.2018 - New in the vehicle registration module

Within the vehicle registration module, it is possible to record data on electronic vignettes (data on purchased vignettes can be imported in bulk from an xls file) and monitor their validity (the application warns in advance of the expiry of the vignette). If necessary, it is possible to print a label with the data of the purchased stamp (with the stamp validity date and the vehicle registration number) in the register, which can be kept in the vehicle for information.

20.12.2017 - New in the labour reports module

In the settings of the labour reports module, it is possible to check the option to enter companies from the CRM module (including branches) when filling in the report. It is also possible to redefine custom optional fields in the module settings to allow adding data to the labour reports according to the company's needs. Then, the option "No contract" has been added to the filter in the module in the "Contract" field to select all job reports.

4.9.2016 - Launch of eIntranet version 3.0

We have launched a completely new version of the intranet for our customers with many new modules and a completely redesigned layout. Existing customers are migrated to this new version as agreed. The current version 2 will be discontinued after all customers have been migrated - no later than 31.12.2016. Thank you all for your use and look forward to the new version 3, which brings many improvements and streamlining to your processes.

1.5.2012 - Launch of eIntranet version 2.0

In 20012 we launched the second version of the eIntranet and migrated users from the first version.

1.7.2008 - Launch of eIntranet version 1.0

In 2008 we launched the first version of the eIntranet under the old name nasintranet.cz.